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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

From my heart

Dear mummy,

It's been such a long time since i've been talking pretty long over so many things. I juz want to share it out coz i dont seem to find anybody to talk to including my husband. Hmmm.. Let it be. First thing is my children both zafran n zara. Alhamdulillah zara dh 2 months old. I love them both very much. I mmg nk take care n sit at home looking after them. But condition make me cannot stop working. I have to stay with in laws which sumtimes i juz feel that i want my own space. Watch tv. Sleep in front of the tv. U know.. Juz to have my own space tp condition dont allow. But i can see that my in laws r happy with their cucu staying together n my husband r happy too. So mummy decided to juz takpela.. Its ok. Mummy's fine. Lagi my husband. Dia seems to be diam bnyk je. I tanye sket die jawab sket. N he barely start d conversation with me n alwiz show d tight face everytime. Or is it that he is fasting so he's not in d mood. Or i je yg stil dont understand him? Hmm.. I need clues.

My mum? Looks like she's getting better. Must bnyk pray n doa. If ok nnt i nk ask mum's favor to look after zafran n zara plak. Tp hmmm.. Hmmm.. I feel like hugging sumbody tp dunno who to hug.

Mummy being emo. K control pls..dah la.. Lets listen to songs. Mummy will be fine. Insya allah.

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