Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Abam is eating n eating n eating

Look at him.. Really enjoying himself when its eating time..

Kiddos sleeping in L shape

Huhu.. Hehe...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Look! Both of them are talking

Hahaha.. So cute..

Love two of them

Abam n lala

I am in a stress mode position

Not really bcoz of work. Mainly becoz of mil's house. A very difficult situation where we still couldnt find a maid. So many stories behind it. Hurmm.. Mmg rasa like crying. Always wanted to tell to my mum but she is not in d consistent at times. If she's okay then i'll be gladful and happy to let both of kids stay with her. At least she got frens with her. Sumtimes i ada some thoughts where ye la sumer ngan husband side and that thing make me stress ok. I have my lil square here but i want my mum to be around too.. Mmg bnyk benda i have to sabar n patience. My sis also alwiz say that sabar and doa bnyk2 k. Insya allah tuhan permudahkan urusan kita. Pastu rasa nak cry. No body will understand me even my husband. At times i juz want to be alone. Urghh.. Pressure mummy. :(

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Grand hyatt

Holidaying here wif beloved children. Hubby kebetulan ada course so we ikut. Drove here yesterday.. Very nice n luxurious room.. Some of d photos taken..

Grand hyatt

Holidaying here wif beloved children. Hubby kebetulan ada course so we ikut. Drove here yesterday.. Very nice n luxurious room.. Some of d photos taken..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Deepavali

Wishing those celebrating happy deepavali. Me n cute lil family is at tok mak's and atuk's house. Tak penah tido sini since beranak. Alwiz time tak mengizinkan. Huhu...

Skang i ngantuk sgt..

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy birthday mummy!

Alhamdulillah.. Bertambah lg usiaku. Dgn kelahiran dua cahaya mata. Moga kedua duanya menjadi anak yg soleh dan solehah..

Omg!! I semakin kurus ni. Apa nk buat? Kena eat more food i guess. N take meat more plus milk more. Hahaha..

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I got mild sorethroat

Wish to hug sumbody now. :( both of my kids sleep oready. Abam got cough. His cough seems repeating every month. Is it bcoz of air cond? Kang if i tak on ramai plak org suruh i on. Reason being panas. Sian budak. I bukan ape. Biarlah panas sket rather than batuk or apa. I pun takde nk flu2. Skrang mmg tgh rs hati i ni kena bnyk sabar2. Sabar bnyk. Many things i wanna say takut it's wrong. I'm leaving with in laws. Hurmm.. I miss my home..