Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I am in a stress mode position

Not really bcoz of work. Mainly becoz of mil's house. A very difficult situation where we still couldnt find a maid. So many stories behind it. Hurmm.. Mmg rasa like crying. Always wanted to tell to my mum but she is not in d consistent at times. If she's okay then i'll be gladful and happy to let both of kids stay with her. At least she got frens with her. Sumtimes i ada some thoughts where ye la sumer ngan husband side and that thing make me stress ok. I have my lil square here but i want my mum to be around too.. Mmg bnyk benda i have to sabar n patience. My sis also alwiz say that sabar and doa bnyk2 k. Insya allah tuhan permudahkan urusan kita. Pastu rasa nak cry. No body will understand me even my husband. At times i juz want to be alone. Urghh.. Pressure mummy. :(

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