Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 31, 2012


More things to say but wait i'm going to work. Will update when i get back.

January: as usual busy with year end closing. My husband started to be away for most of d weeks. Training here n there.

February: valentines day. Dah lama tak celebrate this day. Husband kata buat apa "wasting time" hurmm tp nk suka2 je. Time ni terasa plk feeling that y dah kawin all this things takde dah. No more sweet things like this?

March: owh i dh 5 months pregnant. Every week check ups. Haha..

April: doing e-filing submission. Pastu ajak husband shopping brg baby sket. Husband bz jgk like normal.

May: if ikut date i jumpa hubby it's on 27th may. So dah 11 years. As usual lps kawin this date dah tak applicable. Dunno y. Biar i je la yg ingt sorang2. Even i wish husband said eh eh. Cam pelik. Sumtimes baru tau husband i ni mmg jenis yg tak suka all of this except for bdays.

June: gave birth to princess daliya zara weighing at 3.1kg. Alhamdulillah. Bam pun masuk 2 years old. Dlm pantang stayed at my mil's house. Tp i missed mum. Hurm. Dlm pantang i ada fever

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