Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A holiday with my family

Dah lama rasanya tak pegi holiday with my sweet little family. Me, zafran, zara n husband. Actually early of d year ada thought nak pg langkawi pastu husband diam je coz i guess his schedule is not d right timing for us to go. So i diamkan je la. Bcoz wheni yg ye ye nak pg and if he takde feel nak pg so last2 mesti tak jd. So lebih baik i diamkan je la dulu. That day after settling dewi's thingss.. So he said dah boleh book la. I pun ye ke. Confirm ke ni. I pun oklah. Ptg tu booked hello kitty. Next day at ofis booked hotel. That is how it happen.

Weekend before pg, i kena sakit perut. Not sure whether i ada update or not but i think i have. Husband worried sbb lps tu few days je nak gi jalan dah. Hehehe.. Guess i tak jaga makan. N my tummy is full of gas. Meaning to say ada gastric la. Hadoii.. Tak sukaa feelings ni. Pastu berjaga2 time makan smp la nak pg jb.

We start our journey around 12. Stop for lunch at shah alam at nasi ayam stall. Around 130 we make our move to jb. Stopped by few places juz to shi shi. So we reached jb town around 5pm. Pusing2.. Then minum mamam roti canai kat restoran yassin nearby d hotel thistle that we r staying.

Malam tu dinner kt stulang. Round2 tgk jb at nite then blk tido coz d next day nk kuar awal to hello kitty town.

Lps bfast, we make our way there. I had omelette, nasi lemak, cornflakes , juice n latte. Hehehe.. Hello kitty bout 20 min drive tp sbb we all pusing2 tu tak jumpa. Masuk legoland plk. Ishh..really had fun there. Parking kat luar for free. It is in building. So takpe kot bwk baby sbb dlm building.

Masuk2 is hello kitty level. Everything got to do with hello kitty. House, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dressing room, hall, n more. Really enjoying ourselves. Taken photo with tittys and friends. Then next level is barney, bob d builder n angelina d ballerina. We get to watch barney sing song. Then adik snap photo with ballerina. Bob d builder tak smpt jumpa. Hehehe..

Here's some of our photos there. Thanx daddy for d treat. Balik tu hubby bwk mamam roti kacang hj pool. Nyum! Nyum!

Next day lps bfast, checkout trus gi JPO. Shopping la apa2 yg i nak. That's wat hubby said. Thanx a lot. Nanti ada time we revisit lagi.

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