Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 31, 2013

Some add ons for myself

1. LDC

2. Health - workouts
- food
- check ups

3. Hair

4. Facial

5. Manicure n pedicure

6. Spa


Another end of month. Here at office. Juz had my lunch. Nasi putih, ayam msk merah, tempe n kentang berlada kicap. Costs me around rm5. Alhamdulillah dah kenyang. Dh nk masuk half rear of 2013. Bnyk benda unsettle. Let me put up here.

In d middle of merging. So more work of course. N few discussions need to attend. At the same time, moving to a new place n how am i going to commute to work makes me dilemma. At the same time i tgh cr keje baru. Updating resume. Wish me luck. If ada rezeki then i'll try for it lah.

Dah update blog. Bought few items already. Update in mudah. Juz nk wat page kt facebook. Ni paling risau sbb my target nak stop working by next year or early 2015. How? How? Can i make it or not, risau la. Sometimes rs mcm arrghh nak nangis. :( tp cekalkan n tabahkan hati. INSYAALLAH boleh berjaya. Must keep on doing doing n doing.

To abam n adik
Mummy love u. Will try my best to fulfill the needs.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My SIL is in labour

Wish her all d best for 3rd baby. It's a boy. Well, just teringat on d day of delivery of my son n daughter. Still can remember but cant remember d pain. :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jaya can stand already

Looked at her in d baby cot. Kemain eksen since dh boleh stand by her own. Abam dulu lebey kurang same age jgk. Si chommel. Last saturday my in-laws dh blk from umrah. Alhamdulillah. Cuma MIL not feeling that well. Batuk. We got jubah as a gift. N of course d kurma, air zam zam, kacangs n raisins. Masya allah. How my hubby said he also want to go there insya allah. Dia target in 2 years time. Mudah mudahan murah rezeki. Boleh pg skali kan. I went already. That time when i wasat age around 12 13 camtu.time tu lain. Tak cam skarang. Reaaly adore d view n u know tu tmpt pengumpulan org islam in d whole world. As hubby said see..how great the marketing of nabi

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Malas nk ckp bnyk. Biar i sorang je tau. Senang. Mum, wish could share with u. But this is life. I must swallow n go through all. Insya allah.u m ,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Langkawi~here i come...

Alhamdulillah.. We have safely arrived here at langkawi. Our flight is at 830am. We all pun lmbt sbb taxi driver sesat plk.. Anywaysss.. Dh smp pun. Abam n adik so excited.. Love them both. Thanx to daddy too. Tadi take nap dlm car. We rented vios. Cantek la. Now kt hotel. Rest kan diri. Jap lg nk gi jln2. Owh hotel saya Meritus. Insya allah n hope it will be apleasant holiday for us. Here r some photos.