Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Last week of april 2015

Well, quite a busy week for me despite of husband's travelling out of state. Going north. After a few months not travelling anywhere. Well done mummy. This week's achievement. Register ssm, opening current account, register tapak, register for courses, purchase more stocks, updates on line. Pheww.. Mmg terasa a bit penat. Tp happy kan. :) 

Semlm pg wedding my roomate masa kat college dulu. Congrats to her. Kalo tak pg cam tak best la plak. I went alone sbb husband takde. And kids i left at home coz quite far distance dia. Dlm one hour drive, baru smp. Agak nervous sbb tak penah ke area sane. Nak dijadikan cerite, dulu keta my dad ada rosak kat area sana. Rupa-rupanya nak pg wedding my fren kat situ. Kalo tak takleh nak visualize kat mana la area tu. Masa kat highway la mcm btol ke btol ke.. Hehehehe...

Today we ate 2 ice creams. Nyum..nyum.. Dah one week plus dah since atok bwk. So finished kan je la. Si commel i tadi taknak mandi, so i ckp la nk mandi, pastu trus nyum nyum ok dah. Mandi dulu pastu another one. Diorang ni, kalo dpt ice cream or chocs or sweets.... Mcm nak hbskan hari tu time tu jgK. No tomorrow tomorrow.. Anyway.. Dlm mummy marah2 tu mummy love u two so much. ❤️

Saturday, April 18, 2015

watching mamma mia

owhhh..my kiddos now is soooo watching that mamma mia.among my fav movie. coz it is a musical. cam pelik i suka cite yg ada nyanyi2 ni.

weekend night.

mlm ni nk tgk movie ape eh? not sure yet lah.

Friday, April 17, 2015

well.. today i feel extra cheeky

Hahahaha.. What a me. Extra cheeky. Eee ape tu. Ntah lah. I just feel a bit diff. Maybe it is already weekend. Eventhough it is pretty hot outside, dgn tak ikat rambut lps pg salon cim cim. I just being cheeky. maybe i'm happy that's why it shows.

Tapi ape ke night last night. cant recall it coz i feel shy. Alhamdulillah adik seems ok ptg ni. Jap gi nk clean up, bg dia mkn nasi then another set of ubat before she goes to bed.

Sweet lil girl of mine. Ikut je ape i buat. Pastu mengadu itu mengadu ini. Kecik2 pandai gaduh. Gigit pipi br tau. Muah muah.

Sons collections

Tgk ni...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

all of us not feeling well

Syiann kita umee..umee..eemam. Temperature like kjap up kjap down. Risau kids actually. Hopefully and insyaallah they are getting  better.

Husband went for follow up check up bout his sickness. In the initial place mmg nk follow tp condition not allow me to. Mcm tersedih la plak. :(

Last nite, parents came to visit. Huhu..

I rs skarang dah lama tak chit chat ngan hubby. maybe he is busy and tired and full of activities kot. Hurmmm.. Takpelah..let it be..let it be...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

a week after i have left office

Yess.. A week after i have left working life in the office. So far alhamdulillah. Quite busy from morning till petang. As usual, morning preparing husband's food for breakfast together with mine. Then settle my things before my kidds actually woke up from their sleep. It is quite hot in the afternoon but nvm it is normal
 Bam n lala seems to be happy and hubby said looked so manja. Pipi dh makin tembam. Hehehehe... :) just planning and organizing some personal things. Belom finally achieve. Owhh.. Risau i ni. Hurmm. Hurmm..

Now almost everyday watching mamma mia. zara especially dok nyanyi nyanyi. Oklah til the next time.