Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 17, 2015

well.. today i feel extra cheeky

Hahahaha.. What a me. Extra cheeky. Eee ape tu. Ntah lah. I just feel a bit diff. Maybe it is already weekend. Eventhough it is pretty hot outside, dgn tak ikat rambut lps pg salon cim cim. I just being cheeky. maybe i'm happy that's why it shows.

Tapi ape ke night last night. cant recall it coz i feel shy. Alhamdulillah adik seems ok ptg ni. Jap gi nk clean up, bg dia mkn nasi then another set of ubat before she goes to bed.

Sweet lil girl of mine. Ikut je ape i buat. Pastu mengadu itu mengadu ini. Kecik2 pandai gaduh. Gigit pipi br tau. Muah muah.

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