Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 15, 2015

sometimes assumptions tu btol

Mmg la tak elok if kita asyik buat assumptions assumptions. Mcm ape je kan. Sbb make us think negative. But ada few yg bila i mula2 ingat mcm tu pastu throw that all far far away so that tak semak kepala. and when it happens *shit* pastu mula la ckp kan dh ckp haritu. Hadoii.. Malas la. Hate it you know.

I have been outing today. To register for courses which i will be attending end of this month. Hubby got pretty excited with it. N suggested to his lil bro. But he is dissapointed with a very simple answer. Ntahlah. sian die. Biarlah.. Maybe takyah get involved lagi kan. Biar i focus ngan myself je. Lagi elok kot.

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