Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan yang mulia

As salam. Jumpa lagi another year of ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. Semoga tahun ini lebih baik dr yg tahun lepas. This is the first time fasting as housewife. ;) so far alhamdulillah.

Talking bout life as housewife so far... Mmg stay at home lagi bnyk kena rasa sabar. And there are many ppl in the house. So, agak2 a bit stressed lari umah my mum. Tp just imagine if we got no other places , mmg we got no choice. Kena bnyk2 sabar bnyk2 sabar bnyk2 sabar. We will always have God with us eventhough no one else is around. Insyaallah.. Doa bnyk2.

Third day fasting. Planning today nk gi shah alam. Tp husband ade plan mlm. So pegi esok je la ye mummy. I kena start masak awal sket. So at least pukul 5 dah boleh kuar umah.

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