Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 7, 2015

Al fatihah ~ tokmah (husband's grandmother)

Alfatihah. Tokmah aka husband's granny telah kembali ke rahmatullah. Semoga ditempatkab di kalangan org2 yg mukmin. Aminn..
Yes eventhough not my granny tp still dia someone yg i tau. A bit sayu lah. Like allah said it has been written for each one individual of us when will our last day be, so we must be ready. Dah ni ketetapan die. Masyaallah. Sometimes boleh tetiba nangis. Maybe my age has made me thinking this way. Apa pun we must go on with our lives.
Hmmm... Sekarang i feeling blank, blur and hurmmm.. Nak balik rumah mama. Dah lah. Stop it. Bosann..

Today actually plan nak pg pnb. Nk duplicate my book and open new plan for my kids. Tp let the situation cool down. Nnt i pk nk pg bile k. Maybe kena bwk kids skali kot. Sian diorang tinggal. Tp i pun ade plan nk bwk diorang pusing2 lalu smart tunnel. Camne eh? Nnt kita lalu lah next week. Hehehehe.. Diorang mcm teruja sgt kan. :)

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