Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Yaay.. Zafran made his first thomas loop track without my help

Tahniah anak! Love u so much!
Pandai dah dia. Soooo excited..

Monday, October 26, 2015

Water disruption

Minggu lps termasuk hari ni tak ade air. Mmg tension. Org lain relax ok je. I rimas. Rimas rimas. Ni jap lagi nak call syabas. Many incident paip bocor paip pecah kena replace. Its like dah bnyk kali repair and broken. Must have taken some possible actions so it will not reoccur within so short period of time. Sigh *****

Nk blk shah alam my parent takde. So it left me with no option. Redha je lah.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Salam Awal Muharram

Semoga tahun ini myself become more better insyaallah.

cant deny the bad thoughts sometimes. hehehehe..;) tp ye lah. org ckp nnt tu jadi doa. so mesti think and think and think positively.

wosshh... on mahadewi tgh risau ni. camne nak sustain. kena tambah barang lg ke?

tgk lu camne. $$ the main thing.

past few days i cam emo sket. pastu husband ckp i ni murung. termenung tak nak cakap. apa daa... i tgh malas nak ckp. malas malas malas. dia suruh i keje balik if i mcm ni. bosan...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pre-school register for my sonshine chitom

... Yupp it is true. Like so fast masa berlalu. Nak sedih ke happy? Excited for him as well. Shian chitom mummy. Dah big. Lps ni boleh ke mummy hug n kiss hin like i always do? See dah sebak plak. :( anywaysss di sebalik kekalutan tu feel happy sbb dh register dia. Mummy will always pray for u. Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh, belajar rajin2, love u till jannah. 

Alhamdulillah dah setel register. Lapang sket kepala. By march next year nk kena register school standard 1 dah and sekolah agama. Then adik plak. Syian mummy. Takde kawan. :((

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Acrobatic move by daliya zara

Hahahaha.. If daddy tau mesti kena marah. Kalo mummy suke eh.. Gigit br tau.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Work trip to melaka n ipoh (hehehehe lambat update)

Owhh br nk update after 2 months. 1st melaka trip sbb nk collect brg tp brg tak dpt collect sbb butik tutup. Ishh geram tp we enjoyed our trip there. Dpt mkn naan pak putra, naik beca, pg jonker street. Best!!

After that the next week we pg ipoh sbb hubby's fren kawin. Congratulation! Best jgk. Dpt mkn tau fuh fah and maruku dapp dappp ume ume.

It is weekend already

Last night ingt nk catch movie tapi full. So kita beli pop corn then blk. Kids sooo happy dpt pop corn sorang satu box. Next time we book first. Morning today lala follwed us for breakfast. Kemain happy dpt ikut. Pastu dh kenyang siap nyanyi2. Patut la org kata gendang gendut tali kecapi, kenyang perut suka hati :)

Happy birthday daddy - 32

Semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki. On 1st october, we had a few plans. Me, chitom, alo. We wanted to get daddy a bday cake tapi abam already told daddy the night before. Ishhh.. Ishhh.. Takleh simpan rahsia btol anakku ini. Gigit br tau. So after i settle banking pagi tu. After lunch we all pg shah alam. Surprise daddy dgn mcd fries. Hehehe.. Pastu we all pg centro nak tgk cake tp mahal noo so last2 pg komuter tu tgk kedai aunty. Ada pun. Happy coz spent within budget. :)
Mlm tu MIL masak mee hailam. So ade small celebration. Hehehehe... :) happy birthday daddy! We love u so much.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy birthday daddy!

We all love u very much! Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki.