Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Salam Awal Muharram

Semoga tahun ini myself become more better insyaallah.

cant deny the bad thoughts sometimes. hehehehe..;) tp ye lah. org ckp nnt tu jadi doa. so mesti think and think and think positively.

wosshh... on mahadewi tgh risau ni. camne nak sustain. kena tambah barang lg ke?

tgk lu camne. $$ the main thing.

past few days i cam emo sket. pastu husband ckp i ni murung. termenung tak nak cakap. apa daa... i tgh malas nak ckp. malas malas malas. dia suruh i keje balik if i mcm ni. bosan...

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