Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last meet up with friend before new year

Huhu.. Rasa cam dah uwe. Hehehe.. Well dah lame x minum ngan mus. Dok borak2. Catch up and gossiping as usual. Pastu end our meet up with a cup of latte. Social coffee drinker. I only drink coffee when jumpa kawan or on holiday. Lain2 tu semestinya milo. Hot milo my fav.

Earlier went teman hubby check up gas doctor. Kena wat endoscorpic. Something like masuk camera kena check dlm badan smp perut area sbb die stil rs uncomfortable. Mudah2an penyakitnya ada penawarnye. Insyaallah. Kita berusaha dan bertawakal. Amin..

Oklah. Good night!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Reward for myself

After dah usha2 few places and finally i dh buat decision. I ingt nk amik maroon tp i amik color hitam. Exclusive look! And i love it so much... Teka la ape? Teka la? Hehehehe..  I will post a pic of it. I am soooo happy. Suka sgt. :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Event is over

Alhamdulillah. Tak expect so much. As long 1st lepas sewa and crew. We are still growing. And many more to learn. Well, this time goes as planned walaupun ade kelam kabut sket. Tp overall puas ati. Ade sket improvement. So to strive for better for the next available event.

To my crew, thanx so much. Hopefully u guys had fun. To my hubby, thanx for ur support. Love u so much since kita kenal each other. Muah muah. Hehehe..

To kids, mummy love u too. Mummy is working hard for the next level of achievement.

Insyaallah to be a better muslim coming.

Here is some photos to share during the events. My parents and MIL thnx for stopping by and giving me your support.

Friday, December 25, 2015


Bnyk benda dah went through. Alhamdulillah, setting for new target next year.  More things to develop. Been quite bz the past few weeks. Events is TOMORROW. Yesss TO orrow. Getting crews, products, admin things.. Fening dah saye. Heheheh.. Tp alhamdulillah. Ok.. As planned. Tadi pun pg set-up. Now nk rest for tomorrow!!!

Babam's new hair

Kemain. Potong rambut kt joe's barber. Teman daddy pun trim rambut. Nak start sekolah dah next year, pre-school. Abish dah ropol. Tp he is still my sweetheart afterall...

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Yes.december half through already.

Gosshhh so many things in head. Smp rs kdg2 takmo sleep. Let me list it out.

1. Husband's health - nampak ada improvement sket. After jumpa specialist. Dia actually ada infection sket kt nose dia. Sbb always flu. Cian dia. He is now dlm recovering stage. And if by 2-3 weeks tak ok kena further check.

2. Event for mahadewi - yep, this one plg bnyk occupied mind saya. Hurmm i dh list out things to do tp biasa lah. Nerves tak psl2. List tu mmg helpful. At least i can plan my time. Staff lagi, widot lagi. Mcm2 ni haa.. Camne ek? Kekekeke.

3. Mahadewi lagi - tgh cari tapak2 yg sesuai utk bukak booth.

4. Mahadewi lagi - next project ie photoshoot

5. Mahadewi lagi - next project, NEW product. Sure tak ni? Husband bagi ke? Diq mcm diam je kan.. Wadussshh pening den ni.

6. Zafran start schooling. Nak kena pg beli brg2 dia ie beg, socks, shoes, uniform, stationeries, etc

7. Zafran son - register for standard 1, sekolah agama, music class, kelas mengaji and etc

8. Myself - Nak shopping sket2 like handbag, baju, brg makeup, shoes and bras. Hehehe...

9. Myself lagi - nak pakai braces ke tak?

10. Family - nak pg holiday le workcation? Work + vacation?  Mana2 pun boleh lah
. Hehehehe