Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last meet up with friend before new year

Huhu.. Rasa cam dah uwe. Hehehe.. Well dah lame x minum ngan mus. Dok borak2. Catch up and gossiping as usual. Pastu end our meet up with a cup of latte. Social coffee drinker. I only drink coffee when jumpa kawan or on holiday. Lain2 tu semestinya milo. Hot milo my fav.

Earlier went teman hubby check up gas doctor. Kena wat endoscorpic. Something like masuk camera kena check dlm badan smp perut area sbb die stil rs uncomfortable. Mudah2an penyakitnya ada penawarnye. Insyaallah. Kita berusaha dan bertawakal. Amin..

Oklah. Good night!!

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