Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2016

1st event for mahadewi for 2016

The first event. Alhamdulillah. Atas rezekinya. Still growing and improving and getting to take my brand further up. Wish me luck ok. And to hubby, thnx to u very2x much. Love u so much too.

I've turned myself 360 degrees

Hahahaha.. The subject seems to be funny. It's true. Sbb husband suruh i sdiri yg jd model. Gara2 mahadewi. Wadushh.. Sgt nervous ok. Mlm seblom tu tido pukul 1 pagi. Pastu on the day kul 6 dah terjaga. Takde la pening ke ape sbb tak cukup tido. Tp more of takut, nervous and omgg.. Tolong shaye. Kena snap2 pic. Tangkap gambar. Posing sane. Posing sini. Aii..malu ok. MUA untill ckp jgn sopan sgt boleh tak? Hahahaha.. Well. Tgk lah ape hasilnye dibawah ye.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

dah 2 weeks anakku kt preschool

alhamdulillah. semakin cerdik. eventhough ade ragam nk bgn time pagi, still manageable. cuma this week adik tinggal tak ikot. let her sleep at home ngan wan. fetch abam br ikot. mmg nangis la kan die. knowing her. nak mummy. nak mummy. friday je die ikut. tapau roti canai bwk umah tokmak. dia at first ingt setengah keping je, pastu last2 hbs sekeping. konyang katanye. hehehe...
ms nk fetch abam tgh hari, smp2 nmpk die tgh wipe whiteboard. pastu tggu kt depan class ade geng 4 5 org. comel je. kwn die pnggil i makcik. hahahaha...

Friday, January 8, 2016

1 week past for 2016- complete abam pg school 1 minggu

Alhamdulillah. Still breathing here. Nak smbg cerita. Son. Lovely son dah seminggu pegi school. This week i send and fetch him from school. Together with lala tut tut. Just tgh hari husband ikut amik dia kejap. Banyak ragamnye nak pg school. Tak nak mandi. Nak tgk oggy. Nak tgk tv. Ngantok. Cikgu marah abam. School tak best. Nak bwk pillow. Bwk toys. Alahai anak shaye. Kejap je ye abg pg school. Kul 12 mummy amik abg kan. And bila i am writing this i rs sad. Bukan sad ape. Anak i dh big. It's time for u to go to school. Grab all the knowledge, info and learn to be a better muslim in the future. And dont forget mummy loves u very much. Very much. Can still remember how small u were when u were small. Now lwn mummy dah. Tapi tu sume mummy tak kesah. Yg pentig, abam still syg mummy til my last breathe. But obe good thing and i happy is abam citom mummy dah pg school 1 complete week. Well done anakku!
Ok ok mummy pls. Control emotion.
On the other part, dotter yg paling sebok. Nak send abam pg school. Dia yg dah siap dulu siap breakfast. Eventhough tak mandi. Basuh muka cuci totot then off u go. Balik send abam br mandi. Shomel je dia ni. Pakcik guard kt school abam pun dah kenal.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Son's 1st day at pre-school

Alhamdulillah. Another blessing. Dah sampai time anak i pg pre-school. This year dah going to be 6 yo. At first he is excited. Bangun pagi senang. Mandi breakfast
 Smp school je dah mula sebak. Nak mummy nak mummy. Syin anak saya. Takpe. This is process of learning my son. Mummy will always pray for your success. And mummy will always be there for u. Love u son!

Adik sebok kat school org. Nak roti la, nak sweet lah, nak main la. Hehehehe.