Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2016

I've turned myself 360 degrees

Hahahaha.. The subject seems to be funny. It's true. Sbb husband suruh i sdiri yg jd model. Gara2 mahadewi. Wadushh.. Sgt nervous ok. Mlm seblom tu tido pukul 1 pagi. Pastu on the day kul 6 dah terjaga. Takde la pening ke ape sbb tak cukup tido. Tp more of takut, nervous and omgg.. Tolong shaye. Kena snap2 pic. Tangkap gambar. Posing sane. Posing sini. Aii..malu ok. MUA untill ckp jgn sopan sgt boleh tak? Hahahaha.. Well. Tgk lah ape hasilnye dibawah ye.

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