Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 12, 2016

Short vacation

Alhamdulillah. During cny break, husband decided to go to PD. Katanye nak bwk daughter asik tanye bile nak pg hotel, bila nk pg hotel. So this time daddy fulfill your dreams and i think his dream too sbb nk pg cuti. Tgk laut. All of us of course sooo excited. Tp this time we use a diff route sbb normal road traffic congested sgt. Tp we all lalu dlm la. Lalu town cina yg mmg i tak penah tgk. Really differnt view. Dlm 2 jam smp hotel. Kita tido corus. Hotel dia not bad. And the most important is LAUT die tu. Best hokayy! Hehehe.. Kids enjoyrd themselves so much. Including myself and hubby. Yaay!! Tepuk tangan. *wink*wink*

Breakfast pagi pun ok jgk. Zara smp 2 bowls of nasi impit with kuah sup. It is supposed to be meehoon soto. Tp she meehoon tu tak amik lah. Zafran as usual, coco crunch. Then pg wimming blk. After lunch like that we make our way to segamat. Sbb in-laws semua blk kampung. Visit sekejap je. Tp we stay one night je. Husband cwam x selesa. Cian die. Tgh recovering from ape "jek" not sure how to spell. And target i blk segamat is to beli kain buat baju raya. Tadaa.. Kaler yg i have never thought i would have and now i have it. Mint green. Nnt tgk ending die k. Camne baju itu. Talking bout kain, lastly decided to go back to banting to send to normal tailor. Tempat yg slalu send tu tak reply. Drpd tunggu baik i pg send je terus kan. Hehehe.

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