Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 20, 2016

Dah lama rasa tak blog

Suchh a long time since i nak post. Dari haritu smp la ni. Lagi 1 week dah hbs bulan 5. I tgh bnyk2 rasa sekarang ni. Cam x consistent, tapi malas nak layan. The best is mmg diam shut my mouth and ckp bila perlu je. Tp of course muka ade moncong sket. Hehehe.

1. Alhamdulillah husband's operation went well. Luka tu boleh sapu ointment then elok lah. Bagi kering je. Looks normal. No any infection through out the process.

Another question is his so irritated and annoyed nose problem. In the end pegi ENT specialist, then siap bagi medication for 1 week. Came back and do sinus scan and alhamdulillah no major things. Mmg la resdung. Kena jaga2 in terms of food, weather and cigars. And at the moment kena guna medication yg doctor tu provide. Crystal wap and air flo to clean the nose. Plus nose spray. Tapi hopefully he doesnt really depending on it. Biar antibody sendiri yg lawan. Seriously kdg2 i pun tak tau nk ckp ape when i look at my husband's condition. I am not in his shoes. Ape yg die rasa, difficulties in breathing, nose blocked, angin and bnyk2 lagi. MIL and SIL ckp his mind je. Suruh jumpa phyciatrist. Which i rasa not relevant. Ada benda lain u boleh buat and channel your mind to. I cam geram when ppl keep on saying that jumpa phyciatrist, jumpa phyciatrist. Hurmn.. I just diam je without saying much. Let it be. At least i dah ckp why i tak suka. So up to him to decide to go or not to go. Apa dia rs best for him then buat je lah. Ada times tu i siap rasa that dia ni bila jumpa weolls je tak selesa, bila weolls ada je tak selesa. Smp i rs if he wants to be on his own, his own personal time, then bagi tau lah. We can go somewhere for him to be alone. Kdg2 ada a bit frustration. Haisshh malas nk ckp dah. Tak suka this feelings.

2. Suka tak suka, finally i dapat jgk buat kuih faveret i and kids. Donats. Nyum nyum. 3 biji cam tak cukup utk i. Tp if i eat more that is too much. Haha.. To sket2 boleh release any stress yg ada dlm mind i tu. Hurmm ke i ni sebenarnya yg nk alone time. Ntahlah. Let it be. Feelings tu sebenarnya elok letak jauh2. Jgn kaco kita.

3. Son. Now tgh exam for 2 weeks smp this term hbs. Cian dia bnyk subject tp bukan exam cam students sekolah lain. Toddlers punya. And i am impress dgn his avhievement eventhough tak sekolah at the age of 5. Lagi half a year then dh nk sekolah. Hisshh..inshaallah. Boleh tu.

4. Oklah nak sambung nnt. Tata for now. :)

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