Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 14, 2016

My weekend kinda day

Being pretty busy with the new housewife schedule. But anyhow, thanx to my Qaseh Gold. Membantu diriku dlm menambah energy. Alhamdulillah.
I baru start halfway in updating my Mahadewi's account. Got 2 more months to go. After lunch, will do some stocking kejap. Curi2 amik masa. Hurmm..
Actually yesterday was abit sad and like terasa a bit dgn husband. During cooking time, asik nak marah kita je. Last nitei told him tp dia ckp dia tak perasan. Tp yelah. Sampai nak marah i semua. Nasib baik tak nangis time kat dapur tu jgk. Bila kena situation macam tu mulalah nak pk bukan2 dah. Yupp.. I am not contributing anything to the family. Macam menyusahkan je kan. Dahlahh malas nk pk. Tgn pun dari haritu not do good. Like takleh nak bend sgt. Pastu jari luka plak. Hehe.. Sket je kan. I am a supermommy. Hahaha..

Monday, August 8, 2016

More picture of us, actually we dont really have that many pictures together. Mana ada je la ye..

Happy 7th anniversary, my love!!

Alhamdulillah. Today marks the 7th year of our wedding anniversary. Too many stories behind it. For every moment we spent, i thanked God. For all the ups and downs, for any wrongdoings, semoga dipanjangkan jodoh. Love u baby! Ahakss.. Malu lah. Gedik plak tetiba. Well, this is my blog. I can write whatever i feel like writing. Not so good in writing anymore, where's the touch gone. Last time it can really like take long long long time and so many things to write. Tapi now bolehlah. Still can write. Maybe dh kurang membaca kot. That's my everyday aim. To read quran/book every day. Just to increase knowledge. Today later thought of going to the bookshop. See how ok.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Something to talk about

Been staying at home for days since ada flu and cough. Tp stil on medication juz at nite. Hope it will be back to normal state. Inshaallah...
My mood rasa ok la kot. Malas nak layan sgt. Ehh... Bukannya i ni baik sgt. Tp mmg nak try jadi yg terbaik everytime everyday.
Tadi my mum ada call. Tanya pasal zafran's primary school. She said if tak daftar lagi, bawak je dia pg sekolah raja muda together with birth cert. Pastu she still cam wonder kenapa zafran x dpt sekolah kt tadika klang. I ckp lah dh penuh. We lmbt. Then she said sbb org tak suka dia tu psl tak dpt
 Alaa.. Zafran sorang je. Takkan takleh squeeze lagi. Then i was like hurmm.. Takpelah.. Let her and her thoughts. I mmg redha lah sbb mmg lmbt kan. Apa nak dpt kan. Sekarang mmg kena basically online bukan just register camtu je kat sekolah. Lain sket dh pesyen sekarang. Tomorrow plan to go there. Ingt nak masak lauk sket over there. Either kurma ayam or ayam goreng berlada. Tp sbb ada kids, mesti mama akan ckp kurma ayam lah. So esok pg pasar dulu br amik bam then baru blk shah alam. Nk tgk apa benda yg nak kena beli tu. Rempah sket, potato, ayam and santan kan.
I am wishing for something greater. Inshaallah. Til then. Til we meet again. Hahahaha.. xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sabarlah wahai hati

Maybe ni semua dugaan from Him yg dtg to test us. We still believe in Him. Pray to him. Inshaallah it will be fine. :)

August month

It's been many words, thoughts and feeling laying around in MIL's house. With the issue cooking, maid, money, behaviour, brother in law and others. Which sometimes myself semak tau bila dgr. Almost all the time bila duduk the conversation is about that. Yess jgn terbawak bawak sgt emosi tu kan tak elok
 I pun ada terpk is it that i must start working again nak help economy to buy house. But kids strictly no mom, no parents. No maid. Nursery. Tp will husband accept my idea? My Mahadewi still running.

Brother in laws' engagement

Congratulations to both of them! Getting married soon. The first step, is engagement. So, alhamdulillah dah selamat. One after another weekend. One in senawang, one in port klang. Ok je with both their choices. Sbb yg nk hidup lama dgn diorang kan. We as the elder can help doakan yg terbaik.