Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy 7th anniversary, my love!!

Alhamdulillah. Today marks the 7th year of our wedding anniversary. Too many stories behind it. For every moment we spent, i thanked God. For all the ups and downs, for any wrongdoings, semoga dipanjangkan jodoh. Love u baby! Ahakss.. Malu lah. Gedik plak tetiba. Well, this is my blog. I can write whatever i feel like writing. Not so good in writing anymore, where's the touch gone. Last time it can really like take long long long time and so many things to write. Tapi now bolehlah. Still can write. Maybe dh kurang membaca kot. That's my everyday aim. To read quran/book every day. Just to increase knowledge. Today later thought of going to the bookshop. See how ok.

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