Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Suri hati Mr Pilot

trending drama now.. i dont really get the chance to watch the drama. tapi bnyk tgk short2 scenes posted online. suka tengok neelofa or the new actor. fattah. sweet couple for both. hahaha... nk ajak husband tgk not sure dia will enjoy ke tak. tp ada neelofa sure ok kan. hahahahaha....

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pictures of us

Ni lah dia

Sunday outing dgn love one

It's been such a while or i should say among the longest time we spent in a mall since we have kids already. Yelah. Banyak plak ragamnya kan. Well, lps bfast. Today we had rice with leftover food from.last night for breakfast. Kids with bread and biscuits. Then off we go. Kita smp nearly 12. Stop by at mph to get daddy's terjemahan and kids books as well. Got really hard time in convincing son to get a cheaper colour pencils. The one he wants is almost rm40 which i think is ridiculous to buy for his age. Unless dah besar like in secondary school. Adik ok can listen. Sometimes been wondering why son is such a way? I salah dlm teaching my kids ke? I have spoilt them ke? Please tell me. :(

Lps tu, as promised bwk kids pg main indoor slide. Paid for rm6 each for half an hour. Them of course sgt sgt excited la smp dah cukup time pun taknak balik lagi. Tp ikut jgk sbb daddy dah lapar. This time lunch we went to the place i wanted to go. Nando's. Yaayyy!!! Time kasih daddy. Love u lah. Hehehehe... We went to try chicken catapalena. A combination of herb rice, capsicum, brocolli, japanese cucumber and chicken of course. Mmm.. Taste sedap la jgk. I mean i suka la. Lain sket. Ingt nk mkn quarter chicken tp x jd. Maybe can try somemore ye daddy. Kids kita order chicken wings set dgn corn coz son wants it. Nak nangis dah sbb nk mkn jagung. Nnt will share the pic where je tgh sad. I sad je tgk anak i sad ntah reason yg i rs tak perlu nak sad. Asyik nk gaduh je dgn adik dia. Is it he felt that we tak bg attention dkt dia enough. Sket2 adik. Sket2 adik. Maybe should study more bout him lah.
Pastu dah hbs lunch main slide outdoor plak. Pastu beli brg daddy, stop by beli aunty anne and roti boy. Then beli jgk wire ipad nk charge yg baru. Anak punya pasal br lah blk. Zara naik keta nyek terus tido. Bam nyanyi2 tgk2 belankang, sleep as well.  Penat la tu. Oklah. Jaga diri. Love u

Friday, October 21, 2016

Back pain

Never been in this situation. Back of my left hand was so damn painful. Cant even lift it up. Sakit sgt. Felt like crying. And no one actually understand. Malas nak ckp sbb i rs uncapable to move about. Rasa tgh lost one side. Owhhh what have i done?? Sian kita. Went to see cikyah. Dia urut kan sket. Tp stil ada out sket lah. Rimasnya. Blk rumah apply oitment. Pun takleh proper sleep. Bila nak baring je sakit. Hurmm.. Even until now stil ada rasa tak selesa tu. Sapu minyak je la at the moment..and stretching sket2. Bagi muscles kat situ tak tense sgt. Lain2 ok. Masa tgn cannot move tu, most of my housework cannot be done. Even to bath my kids, carry them, and to apply my own clothes i need help. Sian i. :( i worked too much at home ke? My mum.always say that. Ntahlah mak. Sometimes sendiri pun x tau nk explain mcm mana. Sabar je lah.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Puasa di bulan muharam

Alhamdulillah dapat 2 hari fasting in this barakah month Muharam. Yakni on the 9th and 10th Muharam. Hari ashura. The first day was a bit (a lot i guess) hungry. Lapar sgt. Semua tgk pun sedap smp termimpi nak buat air milo panas nnt satu mug or satu teko. Hahaha.. Sabar. Hadoii. Tp time moves so fast, until i was like eh dah almost 4pm and i havent even take a cat nap. Tp i nap jgk. Told pillow at least wake me up by 4.30 coz i wanna cook kurma ayam. My kids fav. Sayur brokoli and sambal kentang. Well, my plan is on time. Around 6.15 hbs dh masak. Boleh rest mandi2. Baring jap before buka puasa. AlhamduliLlah for the day.

2nd day fasting, sahur lauk kurma ayam. Pastu husband half day. He said he was tired. Wants some rest. So after sending bam to school, kita pun balik. He cleaned up mandi and starts to sleep. I and zara later baru mandi. After fetch bam kita pg sacc mall. Nak cr doughnuts and books. First mission je lps. Second one tak. Bookshop tutup. Takpe lah. Takde rezeki. 2nd day not so hungry like first tp hungry la jgk. Sbb plan nk mkn naan. Tp sad sad sad coz the naan stall is close. Hmmm... :( we mkn  nasi goreng ayam je. Takpelah. Shud be bersyukur sbb ada food blh consume. :)

To daddy , congrats to u too.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My cute mummy finger is injured

Ye lar. Tgh nk prepare bfast. Injured plak. Kena tepi tin susu. Sakit owhh.. Deep deep cut. Syian sy. Zara siap tiup bnyk2 kali. Comell.. Tq girl.

Happy 33rd birthday my husband.

Ooppss thought already post this one but not. So here it is. The pic of bday boy. Mlm tu i tak sempat join the baca doa n potong kek. Rs mcm ehh.. I wasnt notice at all. Tau tau dah hbs. Hurmm.. Mula lah nak emo. Kita tau la kita sape.