Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Puasa di bulan muharam

Alhamdulillah dapat 2 hari fasting in this barakah month Muharam. Yakni on the 9th and 10th Muharam. Hari ashura. The first day was a bit (a lot i guess) hungry. Lapar sgt. Semua tgk pun sedap smp termimpi nak buat air milo panas nnt satu mug or satu teko. Hahaha.. Sabar. Hadoii. Tp time moves so fast, until i was like eh dah almost 4pm and i havent even take a cat nap. Tp i nap jgk. Told pillow at least wake me up by 4.30 coz i wanna cook kurma ayam. My kids fav. Sayur brokoli and sambal kentang. Well, my plan is on time. Around 6.15 hbs dh masak. Boleh rest mandi2. Baring jap before buka puasa. AlhamduliLlah for the day.

2nd day fasting, sahur lauk kurma ayam. Pastu husband half day. He said he was tired. Wants some rest. So after sending bam to school, kita pun balik. He cleaned up mandi and starts to sleep. I and zara later baru mandi. After fetch bam kita pg sacc mall. Nak cr doughnuts and books. First mission je lps. Second one tak. Bookshop tutup. Takpe lah. Takde rezeki. 2nd day not so hungry like first tp hungry la jgk. Sbb plan nk mkn naan. Tp sad sad sad coz the naan stall is close. Hmmm... :( we mkn  nasi goreng ayam je. Takpelah. Shud be bersyukur sbb ada food blh consume. :)

To daddy , congrats to u too.

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