Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Another week has passed

Another week has passed but only 3 working days for selangor people due to long stretch holiday. Kita ni xde cuti la ye. Hehehe.. Itu tugas hakiki. Harus dilakukan. Kiddos bz memain dari pagi smp ke mlm mcm no tomorrow. Tp ye la kan school holiday. Balun hbs. Just worried son nya diagnostik test is coming soon. Ntah tinggal berapa hari je lagi tu. This week kita ada bwk anak kita pg library. Syok jgk naik tram. Dari parking ke entrance lobby tu. Sbb prkg dia jauh. Well, nnt nk bwk kids pg lagi la sana. Anyway, i pun enjoy dok sana jgk. Banyak jgk buku boleh baca kan for kids. :)

Another updates of me. I mcm tgh pelik ngan my body. Donno la. Supposed to be my pms, one week ago. Tp ni dah one week takde jgk. Is it hormone or i ni stress sebenarnya.??? Hurmm.. Stress dgn situation la ni. Currently, i tgh bnyk nk bleep je. Siang and mlm. Ngantokss je. Pastu bnyk benda i mcm unsatisfied. Sometimes i just rasa myself ni ter"trap" dgn condition. Urrgghh.. Bosan and stress gue. Hurmm.. Tak baik tau. Nnt lah kita work on it ye. Trying to love myself more than any other else. How to make others happy if u sdiri pun tak happy kan? Mmmm... Betol ke i tulis tu? Just ikut feelings. Hahahaha...

Today dinner, fries 3 ekor ikan kerisi. Not sure in english apa nama dia. And brocolli. Ok i am done for dinner. Daughter dah tido. Penat sngt main siang td. Son takde. Tgh main game ni. Bila nk tido ntah. Bila dah ngantok la tu. :) love u son

Ok i have ordered bag tags for my kids. Nnt letak kat bag school diorang nnt. Saja senang nak bagi kids cam tu bag sekolah dia. :) semoga enjoy belajar di sekolah yang baru dgn kawan2 yg baru ye.

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