Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 31, 2017

Last day of the month

Tggl 4 months lagi before the year is over. Hurmm.. Mcm mana ek? New year's resolution or half yearly resolution? Achieve it or not? Mcm2 lah. I blom lagi lah. Mcm x brapa nk satisfied. Baby is coming to a due already. Semoga dipermudahkan proses bersalin dan pantang nnt. Amin.

Parenting method for each parents

Yup. I do agree. Even if it is from your mom's style, MIL, sisters, aunties, SIL, friends, bff and many more, we as our kids parents must not take all. Kita tgk la yg mana ok yang mana tak, then kita boleh improvise sesuai dgn zaman sekarang ni. Inshaallah semoga semua dirahmatiNya. :)

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hubs concerned about finacial level

Well, i am worried too. Tapi maybe the plans have to changed bits. I am really sorry to my kiddos. Love u all very much! But mummy need to work this out. Love ya!

I am officially 36 weeks

Alhamdulillah! A great achievement nak sampai 36 weeks. Risau pun ada. Been targetting to clear some of babies stuff and yes i managed to do half of it. Now the last few weeks before i am due, it is really hot i mean the weather. I tak tahan sgt. Maybe yup coz i am pregnant. The house itself panas. Pastu if budak2 ramai sgt i lagi la jadi rimas memanjang. Tengah hari mmg i prefer my own small.circle je. Dont like big crowd. Coz panas babes..

Semlm cleaning zara's little space in the cabinet. Semua pun stil muat lagi even yg age 0-6 months. Ahahhaha.. Bagi kat baby 3 helai je. Soo cute in budak. :)

Photos during bam's birthday celebration

Here it is. Yess my favorite a&w bear OF COURSE! Hahahahaha...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Preparation for bam's bday

From goody bags to balloons to deco semua kita buat sama2. Here are some photos of it.


Dah nearly 2 weeks after the event of my son's 7th birthday party. At last we have decided to get a&w and team to celebrate at house party. Husband said biarlah, dia teringin budak2 kg merasa that kind of things. So bermulalah episod getting all the things ready. From one week before. Husband siap buat timeline and gantt chart lagi. Katanya easy monitoring. I will share what is gantt chart maybe in another post ok.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Uncertainty of son's bday party

Lps visiting and discussing for zafran's bday party, last2 we come to a conclusion. We will have it at rumah wan. And we will be having a special guest. Nnt i will updatr lagi. Tu lah kena pancing adik mkn ubat semua so she will be fit for the day. Semoga preparation will become smooth. Inshaallah.

Photos of kids

Dah lama nk amik pic diorang berdua ni tapi punya lah payah. Raya hari tu pun tak dpt. Gigit bontot baru tau. Ni pic took recently sbb nk pg wedding tp bukan berdua. Sorang2. Haishh la.

Daughter is not feeling well

Syian si busyuk mummy. She is not feeling well. Muntah, sakit perut, demam. Last week flu + cough. Got from school. Now maybe from food or the second cousin. Went to see doctor already. Tapi sekarang yg kitorang geram bila nk mkn ubat. Soooo drama. Tak beedap. Tak beedap. Smp nk mkn ubat jadi 45 min. Sabar lah ye busyuk..love u!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sedappnyaaa ice cream kacang merah

Mmg dah lama sgt nk makan ice cream tu smp terlupa dah penah teringin nak makan. Smp la baru2 ni husband belikan ckp "u dulu bukan penah ckp nk mkn ke" pastu terus teringat senyum sorang2. Beedap. Dah lama nooo tak makan ice cream tu. Bnyk rasa icecream flavour lain. Hehehe.. Mekacih belanja i. Senyum baby dpt mkn ice cream. :)

Sunday, July 2, 2017

32nd week check up for baby

Woosshh.. Kejap je it is already 32 weeks. Despite of the feelings, nausea, vomiting, headache, tak larat, moody and many more. Suddenly timbang berat dah naik 3kg. Now i am 56kg already. Dah gemok. Patut la bnyk jln dah penat. Kaki pun cpt lenguh. And doctor said now the baby is 2kg. Lagi 6 weeks, maybe boleh naik 3kg dah. Fuhh fuhh peenat saya. And now the doc is worried about by hb. The reading said it is low 9.9 kena increase kan lagi. Risau la i. Tp i tau the impact of x cukup darah. So she gave me a new tablet to increase my hb count.. Dah start mkn. N now i kena increase kan water level i sbb i tau kalo mkn iron mesti badan panas sket. Huhu.. Insyaallah mudah mudahan dipermudahkan. Ameen.

Raya hols is over

Most ppl are coming bck from hometown already. Nak raya kat area KL plak. Some mmg dah blk awal sket to avoid the traffic jam on the last day of the week..tomorrow school starts. Already told kids esok bangun awal. Takde nak nangis2 drama in the morning. Hahaha.. Husband pun start work esok. Well, to those yg stil beraya tu, selamat beraya, yg dah start puasa 6, happy fasting.