Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 2, 2017

32nd week check up for baby

Woosshh.. Kejap je it is already 32 weeks. Despite of the feelings, nausea, vomiting, headache, tak larat, moody and many more. Suddenly timbang berat dah naik 3kg. Now i am 56kg already. Dah gemok. Patut la bnyk jln dah penat. Kaki pun cpt lenguh. And doctor said now the baby is 2kg. Lagi 6 weeks, maybe boleh naik 3kg dah. Fuhh fuhh peenat saya. And now the doc is worried about by hb. The reading said it is low 9.9 kena increase kan lagi. Risau la i. Tp i tau the impact of x cukup darah. So she gave me a new tablet to increase my hb count.. Dah start mkn. N now i kena increase kan water level i sbb i tau kalo mkn iron mesti badan panas sket. Huhu.. Insyaallah mudah mudahan dipermudahkan. Ameen.

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