Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

2 weeks after delivery

Alhamdulillah dah 2 weeks after delivery. Kejap je time tu dah 2 weeks. Tadi went for a follow up check up. Alhamdulillah baby takdr kuning. Reading tadi 87. Doctor said below 100 so it should be fine..weight baby pun dah increase to 3.48kg. Alhamdulillah and syukur. Mummy's wound doing good. Just kena jaga2 lagi for at least til one month. I pun sdiri rasa blom boleh pick up baby by myself. Even nak bangun from bed pun i blom 100% confident. Still kena support with hands and one legs. Tapi i know everyday i am improving. Inshaallah. Nnt ye baby zayyan. Mummy belom that fit to carry u here n there. Kena bnyk rely on ppl to pass u to me. If i am on the bed then inshaallah mummy can. :)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

SEA games

Watching the opening ceremony of the SEA games. Cantik betol la. Very nice! The persembahan. Really awesome!!! Sampai habis kita tengok. Lengoh dah bontot2 kita ni. Baby elok jaa tido dlm cot dia. Hehe. Lmbt sket sleep mlm.td. Nearly 11pm. Smp terlupa sapu cream. :)

Friday, August 18, 2017

Alhamdulillah - day 10 already

It is 10 days already today. My pantang days got like 34 days lagi if follow org tua2. My own pantang 100 days. Hehe.. K la. Now nak nap kejap. Happy friday everyone!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My 3 babies

Love u all very much. To zafran, zara and zayyan, nothing can describe the love for u. Loves, xoxo, mummy.

Alhamdulillah day 7

It is one week already after my baby was born. Today officially mandi satu badan including shampoo. Fuhh sedapp nya rasa dah mandi. Imagine how could ppl tak mandi for so many days. Tak rasa ruam or rimas ke? Hehe... My wound daddy applied the cream doctor gave me. Got one spot yg sakit tu lah on the left side. Got blue black sbb melekat tu. Adushh disitu. When it comes and attack, the pain i feel, the best i can do is selawat bnyak2. Inshallah. Slowly the pain will ease by itself. Just that your mind tak focus sgt kt dia sbb u dah selawat. My 1st batch.of antibiotic and pain killer finish already. Got second batch to go. Esok will start the new one. Inshallah. Mummy is recovering soon. To all my babies especially the older two, thank u for being so cute and helpful eventhough ada times tu mcm.mucil jugak. To husband and families, terima kasih.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Giving birth to a baby boy - 090817

Alhamdulillah! Allahuakbar! No other words can explain. I just am speechless. AFter carrying bby in tummy for nearly 39 weeks, it is already the time to come out. Be it with any kind of procedures, i am just glad that the process went well. Eventhough got slight bleeding dekat dlm sbb rahim melekat. Terima kasih ya tuhan! Alhamdulillah and syukur!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Happy 8th wedding aniversary to dear husband. Eventhough ada benda yg kdg2 i tak agree, tapi u stil my husband. Thanx  for all love. Soon baby gonna out already. Ready for the third wave? Inshaallah dipermudahkan segala urusan. Ameen.

Friday, August 4, 2017

I am just stress right now

Cause i can feel the baby in tummy keras. Told him to relax dah. Tapi tu lah.. Tgk dia. Talked to him to cool relax and go to sleep. Inshaallah it will be fine. Took my vitamin already. Target to finish it before my due date. Inshaallah. Now i rasa tense sket. Nnt la i blog about it. Sabar je lah bnyk2 sekarang ni.

Alhamdulillah it is August

Already august month. Meaning few more days before my delivery day for the 3rd baby. Nervous, takot, worried semua ada. Sometimes tak tau nak ckp dgn sape. Coz i will be having csect again. And ppl's perception towards csect ni mcm u know lah. Tu yg kdg2 i tak share ngan sape2 sgt even mum. Ntahlah. Sometimes serba salah. Betol ke apa i buat ni? Pray for the best. Inshaallah.