Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Alhamdulillah day 7

It is one week already after my baby was born. Today officially mandi satu badan including shampoo. Fuhh sedapp nya rasa dah mandi. Imagine how could ppl tak mandi for so many days. Tak rasa ruam or rimas ke? Hehe... My wound daddy applied the cream doctor gave me. Got one spot yg sakit tu lah on the left side. Got blue black sbb melekat tu. Adushh disitu. When it comes and attack, the pain i feel, the best i can do is selawat bnyak2. Inshallah. Slowly the pain will ease by itself. Just that your mind tak focus sgt kt dia sbb u dah selawat. My 1st batch.of antibiotic and pain killer finish already. Got second batch to go. Esok will start the new one. Inshallah. Mummy is recovering soon. To all my babies especially the older two, thank u for being so cute and helpful eventhough ada times tu mcm.mucil jugak. To husband and families, terima kasih.

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