Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Alfatihah to my nenek om

Alfatihah. Kembalinya nenek ku ke rahmatuallah pagi tadi. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Sedih i. In dilemma at first nk blk banting ke tak coz we are currently at sitiawan. Ikut husband outstation. :( tapi bila fikir blk ok when we r back at klg then we will pay a visit. Inshaallah.

Alfatihah to my nenek om

Alfatihah. Kembalinya nenek ku ke rahmatuallah pagi tadi. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Sedih i. In dilemma at first nk blk banting ke tak coz we are currently at sitiawan. Ikut husband outstation. :( tapi bila fikir blk ok when we r back at klg then we will pay a visit. Inshaallah.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Last day of school for son in 2017

His last day of school is today eventhough school officially ends this friday. Tapi ye lah. Bnyk activity graduation. So mmg cikgu bagi students off. More towards 2018.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Trying my eyeliner on lil girl

Hehe.. Tgklah dia ni. Excited. Saja main2 testing. :) satu she become princess. Satu lagi nak pegi trick or treat.

Baby 3rd months injection

Alhamdulillah. It went well..dia x nangis pun lps doctor jab dia. Everyone was surprised and was like "eh" sbb usually babies will cry lps kena inject. Thank u baby for being understanding. Mummy loves u.. Everyone in the house is not feeling so well. Soo to avoid that negative mode, i was make sure myself is up to the level yg selesa. Coz i have a baby and two kids to look after. Inshaallah.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Zayyan's last nappy size "S"

Haha.. The topic seems cute. Last pc of size "S" for his diaper. Lepas ni dah go for "M" size. Coz got kesan already kat peha tembam. And bnyk kali dah bocor if pakai "S". So decides habiskan yg tu then we go for "M" size. Cute kan. Yg new ni pcs bnyk sket. And limited edition. Zara said robocar poli. Cartoon character. Zayyan of course doesnt know anything yet. Hehe.. :)

INDES 2017

Husband and his team made it to the final round. So yesterday was the final day at Ipoh. Dapat bronze award pun congratss from wifey. May he continue excel in his line. Inshaallah.


Adoiii.. Tu yg paling susah sebenarnya. Nak fight with ownself emotions, feelings, mood and so on. Kejap boleh kejap tak. Maybe that is why "take a break" tu ada. Or perhaps motivational talks. :)

Monday, November 6, 2017


U know, whether we r working or not planning still kena ada. Last week was trying 2 new things and i managed to do so until sunday from tuesday. I applied my bodyshop lotion and also face moisturizer. So i want to instill in myself that whatever it is, it is a must for me to apply everyday in the morning. Afternoon is exceptional. Bravo to myself. Next inline, is my solat 5 waktu. Walaupun lambat like lagi 15 min nak hbs waktu, i must whatever it is pegi solat jugak. The same thing from tuesday til sunday, tak cukup 5 waktu tp trying my best to fulfil all. Inshaallah. Minggu ni nak target lagi sampai sunday. Isya' paling bnyk miss maybe sbb lps dinner terus ngantok dah nk tido. Maybe i should try masuk waktu pray dulu baru dinner kan. Tapi sometimes ada early dinner. So in the end kena diri sendiri yg tau mcm mana nk areange time. Besides that, i dah plan few activities for me n kids tp partial tak jadi eventhough planning. Kenapa ye? Time constraint or malas sebenarnya. Minggu ni kita check ye. Btw dah november pun. Hoping for better days ahead. INSHAALLAH!! To mummy, believe in yourself. Not just that. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST! :)

Well, my bday gift from husband

Thanks very much u. Mmg la mahal. I dont expect any gift ke cake ke. Btw thanx so much for the gift. He said coz he saw me applied light2 make up lately, so he decides to give me that.. I just thought of buying the cheap one je. Hehe.. :) well thnx btw. Kena rerajin la makeup makeup lps ni ye.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

I am 34 years old

Alhamdulillah. First tq to allah. Then my parents. Big family and small family. To kids, love u all so much. I dpt gift from husband. Tq so much!!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Husband is really busy

Yes. Sgt bz. Dgn office work. Now he is busy with his family things. Kata tak support i am supporting. Tp bila sometimes tgk tu isshh rasa nak keluar dari this situation. Malas nak campur. At times when he looked angry or malas layan weolls, i lagi lah rasa cam.. Nak balik rumah my mum. Coz u r staying with inlaws, pastu bila ada benda u need space u r short of space. Kena dok dlm bilik je lah. Only wih your own crowd. Ramai2 i rimas.

Son's final exam

It is his first final exam at school. Still young to understand what exam is all about. I dont expect a really excellent straight A's tapi as long dia boleh menguasai the 3M at this stage then alhamdulillah. Then slowly he can learn others step by step. Tapi i tell u nak kena maintain energy and level so he wants to go to school. Budak2 ni takleh sgt selalu2 x pegi sekolah. It is not good. At least he learn something from school. Sekolah agama exam dah hbs..tggl morning school lagi 2 days. Mudah mudahan dia boleh jawab periksa.

Now his cousin possible kena tukar school. Sbb doctor prescribe dia dislexia. Yes at this age still young. As a parent, of course la kita risau tp hopefully their parents know better. Taknak nnt kid tu sedih life dia lain.. I have no one with dislexia cases to refer to. I baca je la kat google. Yes the method of teaching is different. Kena slow at all level.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Got so many things to say - czer wound cream

Ok ok one by one la then. If nak boleh ada many posts la kan.

1. Ni cream yg i apply kat czer wound tu. Doctor wrote 4 times a day, tapi i apply plg kurang 1 kali sehari. I have 2 boxes.. So hari ni baru hbs the 2nd box. I also snap a pic of it. Kot kot la if beranak lagi. :) hehe.. Takot la. Maybe enuff til zayyan kot. Nak besarkan n bagi education yg proper tu mcm mana ye. Hurmm..