Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Son's final exam

It is his first final exam at school. Still young to understand what exam is all about. I dont expect a really excellent straight A's tapi as long dia boleh menguasai the 3M at this stage then alhamdulillah. Then slowly he can learn others step by step. Tapi i tell u nak kena maintain energy and level so he wants to go to school. Budak2 ni takleh sgt selalu2 x pegi sekolah. It is not good. At least he learn something from school. Sekolah agama exam dah hbs..tggl morning school lagi 2 days. Mudah mudahan dia boleh jawab periksa.

Now his cousin possible kena tukar school. Sbb doctor prescribe dia dislexia. Yes at this age still young. As a parent, of course la kita risau tp hopefully their parents know better. Taknak nnt kid tu sedih life dia lain.. I have no one with dislexia cases to refer to. I baca je la kat google. Yes the method of teaching is different. Kena slow at all level.

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