Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Thaipusam holiday

This week kids got excited to go to school coz ada break in d middle of the week. Thaipusam break. But for KL additional holiday that is 1st Feb (hari wilayah). Today mummy's activity is

1) injection zayyan. 5th months and rotavirus. Alhamdulillah it went well. Tapi hari ni dia nangis sket lah. Si comel ni. Other than that ok. Ohh hari tu dia jatuh katil. Syian busyuk mummy. I am sorry baby. Pujuk dia nangis. Tersedu2 dia. :(

2) husband ajak pegi klg lama nak beli juice honey dew. Tp takde stock. Ended up beli juice apple orange for me and apple lemon for husband. A bit sad tp at least the juice is the juice.

3) lunch at pelita. At first plan to go to lan kedah. Tapi org queue panjang sgt. Decided to pegi pelita. Nyumss! Dah lama tak makan ayam hitam + kuah campur yg pedas itu.

4) makan icecream magnum. Yaay!

5) makan buah honey dew. Sedapp sgt sbb the day was so hot outside. Plus terik.

6) finally, dah buat pun roti. 1st try tp jadilah jugak. Husband ckp next round kena kurangkan butter. Mixing a bit similar to doughnuts tapi ada telur. Yg lama tu sbb nk tggu 45 min for twice sbb nk double up the size of the dough. Ok. Beres. And maybe sugar too. Hehe. :)

5) fried ikan siakap goreng and sayur kailan sos tiram for dinner. Haaa.. This time kids makan fish sbb tu ikan besar.

Alhamdulillah for the day.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Busyuks not feeling well

Zafran & zara both not feeling well. Paling teruk bam. Batuk flu and fever. Last night siap mengigau. Ckp ada bnyk org jahat. Sian dia. Panas nak naik. Lala ad batuk je. Tu pun i marah sbb asik nk mkn ice cream. Baby zayyan feverish hari tu. So i ada sponged dia and bagi nenen bnyk. Mudah mudahan cepat recover. Amin.

Pisang tanduk

The other day both MIL's house and dad's house the pisang tanduk has rippen already. So time to eat lah. Here we ate pisang goreng for 4 days. And then i took one from dad's house. Brought here and told mil from dad's house. The next day she mentioned to husband's cuzz's wife "sape ntah bagi lagi satu pisang tak nak dah dia makan" and i was there dengar like eh eh. Ye lah. Ye lah ye lah.

Album dah siap

Mum vs dad

A great topic to discuss about. Wasnt really into one sided but sometimes am sooooo confused and blur not sure which one is correct. And myself to share with anyone pun i tak tau sape and maybe possibilities org tu pun mmg cam tak paham kan. Hurmm... My dad ckp my mum wasnt at her state. I mean dia takleh forget what has happened in her life before that makes her like this. Dad ckp he should ask earlier masa nk kawin. Not now. When now tgk my mum dia macam sentiasa gelisah. She told me many times jangan nak takot my dad. Apa problem nya sometimes kita pun x paham. Everytime in prayer, mintak yg baik2. I kesian kat diorang ni. My dad plak i tgk mmg asik nk marah my mum. My brother once got angry. Sbb dad marah mum. Another brother pun got angry coz dad was like "relax" lah

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jalan jalan kat ikea

Went there coz i want to buy the writing board for kids. Pastu daddy nak pegi foodcourt dia lah. Apa lagi. Other than that surveying the shelves for the cabinets. See how la. If ada budget kann. :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Kayu manis spa

Last saturday went for a whole body massage at kayu manis spa. At first a week before decided to see the normal bidan tp she is not available. So then sbb dah lama x massage kita pun decides to go there. Balinese style. Muslimah only. I kind of like the service. From thw beginning til end. Like having a cup of ginger drink. Would go there for other servicea as well in thw future. Some 1 hour me timw. Zafran & zara mcm pelik sbb theh have to leave me there. Haha.. So cute. :)

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Zayyan' solid food

Goshh! I was so nervous and yet excited coz baby zayyan is going to start on solid food in a months' time. Been googling and reading all sorts of articles about the preparation, types of food and many more. Ishh nervous pun ada. Nak kena buat jadual ke? Mcm i nk bg dia bnyk mkn veges and fruits. Good for him. Always pray thay he is getting well with foods. :)inshallah.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Kathmandu tshirt

Going to the recycle bag. Bought it in 2002. It is already 15 years oso. Cannot wear already. Leher dah koyak. Baju pun ada lubang2 sket.

Zafran ohh zafran

Two days off school coz tummy ache. Today luckily woke up early coz husband nak fasting. Wanted to take him to shower like normal. Tapi been so cranky sampai nak pegi sekolah. Tak nak mandj, sejuk. Nak selimut sbb sejuk. Dah pakai pants pun ckp sejuk lagi. So asked him to pakai baju. Tak nak jgk sbb baju dia sejuk. Sooo many excuses and reasons. Pastu tak nak socks. Last2 daddy came in the picture. Pakcik kancil pun dah sampai. On the way to the car buat bunyi ehhhh ehhh. Manja sgt. Masuk keta sekali tgk adam uzair pun tgh nangis. Sindrome tak nak pegi sekolah started already. Tp zafran terus senyap tgk adam nangis. Come on boys. Bercerita kemain hebat la terel la tapi nak pegi sekolah nangis. Hahaha.. :) sooo many memories to remain in mummy's heart & mind. To be kept til end of life.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Macam x paham dgn situation

I was so angry with my firstborn son. Its like everyday pun nk kena marah. Semlm he did it again picit tetek adik. I have mentioned so many times jangan main picit2 tetek org. Sakit. Dia cubit. I geram betol semlm. Mmg kena dgn hanger kat butt dgn hands. Org ckp mcm dah x umpama. Rasa nk move out tu lagi membara. :( eh chewah. Kemain membara. Peers dia ni.

Massage time

Actually decided to have the bidan to urut me selang 4 bulan. Upkeep the veins and blood circulation. Tapi the day i decided to have the session she is not available. When i asked on the next available day she just diam. Ok lah. So i decided to find an alternative. Pegi massage dekat spa. Found it and price ok still reasonable. So after 9hb baru i call to make apppointment ke book je awal incase penuh kan. Ishh.. Ishh..

Friday, January 5, 2018

Mummy being busy

Oh goshh.. Today baru 4 days school in year 2018. After sending son to sekolah agama. Balik tgh driving tu tetiba terfikir ehh macam bnyk benda nk kena setel ni. Mana nak iron baju for kenduri tomorrow, mana nak buat donat sbb rasa dh lama tak buat donat, nak mandi lagi sbb dah rasa belengas, nak sidai baju kt ampaian blk sbb dah ada matahari, not sure to order name sticker tak sbb husband mcm.dingdong dingdong malas layan kita. Nak wrap buku, nak ukur cupboard sbb nk beli ikea punya partition (is it worth it or just menyemak je). Last2 decide to tidokan kids then mandi dulu baru pray sbb dh bersih. Pastu slowly ada idea that ok lps pray kita rest kejap tgk netflix while blogging ni. Td lps sidai towel trus sidai baju kt ampaian. Terus rendam.baju kotor nk handwash. Terus check and tepung tak nak buat donat. Haishh mcm mcm la kita ni. Nasib vacum dah pagi tadi. What else what else..help me. Nak cari buku kids, nak beli socks zayyan, nak itu nak ini. Helpp..

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1st day at school session 2018

Settled both zafran & zara to school today. Zayyan followed as well. From 7.30 til almost noon. Alhamdulillah. Not much different. Sbb last year dah sekolah. Cant pay fees bam dulu sbb cikgu mcm busy sket. With class sorting. So tgk bam ok off we go to zara's school plak. Send her tgk everything ok, off we go to settle asb daddy. Daddy brought us straight to hq in shah alam. Dalam 1 hour plus settle. Laju ok. We sempat la share nasi bungkus dlm car dulu sementara tggu turn kitorang balik. Hubby is going to settle the prius repair this month. So that's why he needed the $. Btw hari ni i cooked ikan masak tomato. Tinggal half ekor lagi. Haha. Now settled kemas beg dgn bam. Inshallah he will become more matured compared before. I know my son can do it. Inshallah. :)

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Welcome new year! Resolution. Mmm.. Everyday trying to achieve the things i didnt manage to do yesterday. :)