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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mum vs dad

A great topic to discuss about. Wasnt really into one sided but sometimes am sooooo confused and blur not sure which one is correct. And myself to share with anyone pun i tak tau sape and maybe possibilities org tu pun mmg cam tak paham kan. Hurmm... My dad ckp my mum wasnt at her state. I mean dia takleh forget what has happened in her life before that makes her like this. Dad ckp he should ask earlier masa nk kawin. Not now. When now tgk my mum dia macam sentiasa gelisah. She told me many times jangan nak takot my dad. Apa problem nya sometimes kita pun x paham. Everytime in prayer, mintak yg baik2. I kesian kat diorang ni. My dad plak i tgk mmg asik nk marah my mum. My brother once got angry. Sbb dad marah mum. Another brother pun got angry coz dad was like "relax" lah

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