Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 26, 2018

Ipad or mobile legwnd or games

I sometimes donno whats up with my eldest son. So enthusiast about ipad sbb ada game mobile legend and other games sampai makan minum mandi tido semua x peduli. Main langgar je. I think this is the second time or third he got sick sbb terlampau sgt main ipad. Teruk benor. So that's it. I am going to STOP and i mean it STOP IPAD. Until hurmm donno when. Until he learn how to control it. Geram betol.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Secret recipe time for me

Dah lama dah sebut nak makan cake. Last last pegi jugk. With zara & zayyan. On top of that i ordered my fav lasagne. Sedapnyaaaa!!!

Impressed with eldest son

For both morning & afternoon school, he finished the bekal i gave him. Choc cake for morning, nasi goreng for afternoon eventhough nasi goreng tu spicy sket. And i am happy to see he eats it. Kesian dia. Sometimes rasa mcm x puas spend time dengan dia. Dah kena pegi school. Babam, whatever it is mummy love u very much. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Another story of bread baking

Tried the loaf pan. Ok it turns out to be nice tapi dalam tu kena roll properly balik baru jadi kot. Tp kind of like it. :) kids dah siap bwk bekal. Ini mcm selang sehari kena bake new loaf nampaknya. Hehe :) btw i enjoyed baking them

Last night before sleep

Tengok adik beradik ni. Love uolls! Muahh

Zayyan's first solid food

Hahaha.. Look at that face. Soo cute. Mcm pelik betol muka dia tgh feeling eeeee what am i eating ni mummy. But yesterday the water he likes.

Friday, February 9, 2018

9 aug - 9 feb

Alhamdulillah. Dah 6 months age ucuk mummy si zayyan ni. Still can remember how small he was until now where he can sits on his own already for a very short time lah. Haha :) si cute ni. Tak susah nak jaga nya. Dah nak makan dah soon. Hehe..

Thursday, February 8, 2018

New born clothes

Mummy is emo! The other day was packing up the newborn clothes. Dah takde nak pakai lagi dah tu. Keep in a proper way. That is one from zafran to zara to zayyan.. Love my kids so much. Please take care of urself if mummy is no longer around. :(

Gosh! I fening

The other went to my mum's house. Saje visit pepagi. Bought roti canai dulu. Ok can go with viva. Aircond je takde. Takpe. Pagi ok lagi. Not noon. Zayyan kita angkut. :)

Dad is worried bout mum's condition. Mum mmg put down weight. And i think after the coway bob put in. She said to me dont drink the water nnt sakit perut. She even took water from my bottle sbb nk minum. She drinks so little. And mybe that's why the pass motion and urine a bit difficult. Finally i have surveyes few places for dad to decide. I told bob n yan as well. Tgk lah mcm mana nnt. Widot i cant contribute much. Mybe rm100-200 boleh kot. :( other than that it's fine. Praying that mama is fine. :)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dear darling

I know u might not going to read it pun anyway. Was just going to blog to share what i feel. He shared with me earlier on the way to shah alam. How he is soo fucking stress with the money condition. Now his brother wanting to get married but no widot available. Mil pulak like hoping for the other kids to help him out. Sil ckp she is not helping. Pening kan.  Tomorrow they r going to the fiancee's house. Going to discuss on the ceremony and all. I am not going. Nnt kawin i datang lah. I pity my husband. Sometimes rasa mcm i made the wrong decision sbb quit working. U know bnyk benda boleh setel. Just sacrification is on the kids. Kesian them. :( hurmm... Now car viva plak aircond rosak. So now he is depending on prius. Keta i rest at home. Only use when sending kids to school. My therapy is tgk tv with kids, baking things, kemas2 apa yg patut. Haisshh.. Life.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Another ordinary day in february

1st week of february in 2018. Just created my own personal IG after planning to have it in jan 2018. Soo late. Mcm apa je. Tak tau ke malas ke apa? Entahlah. Been procratinating soo many things. Bosan tau. Today husband went for bekam at shah alam. He wanted to try. We all waited at rumah tokmak.. Smp petang. Makan pisang goreng minum teh-o then off we go. Kids nak main bola. Si comel ayyan started to sit already. But ada nk tumbang lah. Tak balance lagi. Soo cute. Cant handle. Aya petang tadi makeup by nalon. Excited and suka. Syiann dia. :)