Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Terengganu trip

We followed daddy here for 3 days 2 nights stay at KT. The last time i've been here was like 4 years ago. When zara was still small. And she only started learning to walk. That time i could remember that i wasnt agree to go coz my kids got flu. Malas la org kata tp husband insist of just going. Ok fine then. We followed. This time around ok we agreed on the first place. Packed things up inclusive floats and swimming attire for kids coz that what they love about hotels actually. We cruised with HRV of Honda. Ok a bit review of the car. I am personally suka and like the car. Yes it is big, tall and feel secure & safe while travelling with quite a distance. When uphilling ok it is great smooth. Downhilling a bit of like mcm slippery. Not sure what is the exact word. Selesa and comfortable. YES! Definitely with the extra space at the bottom of the seat of the back passengers. So if nak beli HRV ok worth it. :)

Back to our journey. Kita guna LPT2. The distance was cut short by 1 hour. So we reached there around 5.30pm. After few stops. Alhamdulillah the journey ahead was good. Food intake pun sedap. Ok amazing part is makanan lunch kitorang was like rm6 only! Yes rm6 jeee.. Mcm x percaya. Air free. Nasi i lauk ayam sup and sayur and tempe goreng. Kids nasi sket kuah sup. Husband was like the same as mine. And then i siap beli cake viral flavour mango for rm1 je. Cake oklah mmg home baked. :) cute je. The place is at cukai. Tu lagi 2 hours baru smp KT. Malam tu dinner roti canai + nasi lemak ayam kat HOT HOT restaurant. Husband ckp weirs sbb ladies je yg canai and cooked the roti. Not bad. Thumbs up. :)
Owh hotel kita tinggal dekat Permai hotel. Spacious. Ada single bed and queen bed. And baby cot for zayyan. Lebih selesa utk dia. Takde takot jatuh. Room fully carpet. Ada couch, mini bar, dressing table. Bathroom pun quite spacious. But no bath tub. Standing shower in a cubicle. Ok i love the shower. Coz it got style. Hahaha.. I rate 4 star for it. Tapi partial of the hotel tgh under renovation due to Visit Terengganu 2018. So kena lalu kawasan dusty sket lah. Food nyumsss 2 hari berturut2 i makan nasi dagang putih. Mmg sedak sokmo. Mmg i suka. Mmg my faveret. :) rojak ayam pun kita try. Sedap weh. Should try. Ishh alhamdulillah. Petang after daddy work round2 tepi laut. Makan rojak buah & celup2. Sedap kan. Minum teh o suam je lah. Tak sesuai lak milo. Tapi pegi hotel i bwk tamar cocoa and roti. Sentiasa bwk so if lambat makan ke lapar ada something to munch dulu. That night bam fever. So we did not eat out. Tapau je. Makan kat hotel. I tak keluar pun. Daddy yg tapau with zara. I teman zafran & zayyan. Mkn nasi & sup tulang. Not that salty like in klang. Tapi servis a bit slow.  Hadmy dinner nearly 10. Tulah. Mkn roti dulu. Next day lepas pray breakfast around 10 make our way back to kl. Tp stop jap beli keropok. Poksu. Ok sedap. Boleh beli lagi if kita gi sana. Journey balik can see my kids dah bosan. Keep on asking dah sampai mana dah sampai mana. And everytime tanya tu we are still in Terengganu area. :) we reached klang around 4pm. Mmg tgh panas betol. Sana nkt that hot. Ok the next day asked my son nak pegi terengganu lagi tak. Bam said nak smiling. Ohh anak. Tau tak another long hours of journey. :)

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