Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 28, 2018

Western food for 11th ramadhan breakfasting

Hurm the menu is western. Wasnt really happy with it. I wasnt sure with the oven setting, wasnt sure with the salad preparation.. Pastu i got scolded plak.. Mcm geram je. Terus rasa takde mood nak makan apa2. Makan yg mana perlu je. Hurm. Nk minum ice lemon tea pun tak nak. I minum my own promegranate juice. Lagi sedapp!

Oklah. Till then.

Sunday, May 27, 2018


I ve been dealing with parenting and motherhood issues. Especially in raising up my kids. Yup not saying that i am good in doing so and others are bad at doing so. I always have the feelings that i dont know how to care for my child, i dont know how to teach them good manners, i dont know this i dont know that. Haisshh.. ~sigh~ i am worried lah. If they grow up later they become a wrong person. Isshhh mintak dijauhkan. Inshallah doa banyak2 and stil teach them how to care for themselves, discipline bout self is damn good before u can actually look at others. Education lagi. Risau la i. Risau sgt. :(

Baby zayyan and mummy before we sleep at 8.30 am and woke up at 10.30 am

Yes it is true. Bahaya kan..dasyat2 hahaha.. Takleh selalu. Terasa lembab sket my mind nak digest things. Btw love u baby. Muahh.

Zayyan, kiss mummy. Mmmmuuaahhh.. :)

Ok baju raya done

Well, the most challenging part for bulan puasa is getting the bajus ready. And alhamdulillah it is done this year. Takyah nak pikir pikir lagi. If ada nak jalan2 some last minute shopping is socks for zayyan. Tu je kot. Kuih raya process plak in the making after this. Then kuah kacang then siap. Apa yg siap acim oii.. Hahahaha. Well setakat ni alhamdulillah puasa full lagi.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A week in ramadhan

Happy fasting. Well dah seminggu we fasting. Alhamdulillah. Last saturday settled kids raya casual clothes. Baju 1st day raya zara settled on line. Yesterday only received. The boys to be buy later at jusco. Mine dah tempah. Daddy's recycled last year's punya. Kita beli bra. Hahaha.. :)

Semlm went for scalp treatment. Hubby insisted of going as well. So pegi jelah. The guy told me to apply hair tonic after shampoo. Mmg akan ada improvement.  So sabar is the key lah ye. Rasa ringan kepala and bersih. Sbb dah scrub scalp. Wangi. Like it. :)

Friday, May 18, 2018

Chanel handbag

Haha. What the heck i am browsing a handbag to be honest the Chanel handbag. Mmg sgt mahal. So far tgk using lamb skin or goat skin. The cheapest i see is rm17k++ tu bukan yg classic hitam..mine i like the classic black. That one cost around rm23k++ adoiii. Mcm eh 23k lah bukan 2.3k :)))

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Salam Ramadhan 2018

Happy 1st ramadhan.. Inshaallah am trying to fast this year. Last year coz baby zayyan in mummy's tummy..mmg terasa letih sket sbb breastfeed kan dia. Today i cooked ayam komak, tempe rempah & sayur kangkung. Hehe. Kuih sket je beli. Tepung pelita & buah melaka. Alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

New handbag (s)

Thank u for the handbag (s) husband. Really like it so much. Ingat yg biasa tu dah lah. Tak yah lah yg mahal2 tu. Hadoii.. Anyway terima kasih. Wife suka sgt. Love u! If takde handbag pun love jugak. ;)

Short PD trip

Haha. Additional 2 days off after the GE14. Morning daddy decided to go for a short trip to PD. Ok. We browse and browse and macam mahal jugak hotel dia. He wanted to go to PNB ilham tapi almost rm600. So kita change to thistle instead. Pool and sea is good. Kids really enjoy it. First time for sea for zayyan. Just chilling by the side of the sea. Main pasir katanya. :) zayyan taste a bit of the pasir. Sedap kan katanya. Hahaha.. :) elok makan pasir.. And his face mcm pelik exploring new things. The swimming pool was good especially for kids. Zafran and zara really enjoyed their time there. Despite of political issuea in country, mlm tu kita tapau kfc sbb kids dah penat swimming. Makan while watching tv. Tgk the installation of the 7th PM for Malaysia. Kenyang. Mlm tido semua tido berdengkur. Breakfast i tak ikut. Hubby tapau lontong for me je. Boleh tahan tapi pedas.. Well, maim pool lagi mcm biasa. Cuma laut tak pegi sbb terik dia lain macam.. As usual check out time pastu terus lunch. Kedai dia boleh tahan lah. Lauk dia. I suka. :) travel back kejap je. Within 1 and half hours. Pastu lepak and chill kat rumah till malam. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Already registered tapi check last2 my name was not eligible. Feb haritu baru update. Bengang lah plus a bit dissapointed. Tapi lesson for me. The next pru, i am going to standby earlier to check my registration and all. Bengang punya pasal.

Now is the results time. While waiting kita iron baju. Last night was reading some of the articles about the new party PH. And they have really strong supporters and points and my heart says they are going to win. Well for me mula2 mcm 50-50 tapi thinking of my kids yg comel asik nak gaduh je, i will also choose #forabettermalaysia #inikalilah :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

More on avengers

Guess what. After watching that movie, weolls mcm back to back tgk avengers dkt netflix. Not just avengers tapi dah zoom into each character pulak. Baru tgk captain america & iron man. Lepas ni nak tgk thor pulak. My daughter ckp dia cinta captain america sbb dia cantik. Hahaha. Kemain lagi. Cinta. Dia tau ke cinta tu apa. Tapi for me i prefer thor. Sexy. :) semlm ckp kat husband and i purposely ckp kuat2. Dia tgk i jeling2. Jeles lah tu. Hahahaha..

Monday, May 7, 2018

Avengers 2018

Yeahh!! Movie time. Dah lama rasanya tak tgk movie. And this is the first time for zayyan. Every weapon i can think of semua dah bwk. And course nyek is available when he request for it. Bangun pagi tu pastu mcm lipas kudung mandi myself, kids, siap and breakfast. Coz the movie starts at 11. And it is at klcc. At least 45 min from klang. Mmg la public hols coz labor day tapi taknak la nnt jam teruk affect our mood kan. Sampai ard 11 ngam2. Coz husband bought online so our popcorn pun jadi cepat. Bagus la. Lps ni takyah nak beratur panjang2. Pastu husband ckp movie sebenarnya at 11.15 saje ckp 11 so kita akan cpt2 siap tak delay masa. Really enjoyed the movie. Mmg geram betol dgn thanos ni. Smp semua org mati. Haisshh.. Tbc nnt ye. Tgk the next sequel. Hahaha.. Lepas tu kita lunch kat Dome. Cheaper lah. Than limoncello. I had my fav ~ lasagne. Earl grey tea for drink..Pastu shop dkt uniqlo. Pleated skirt that i wanted to see not that nice lah. So perhaps i can grab the cheaper version. Plus myself i prefer ankle length. Pants i bought one. My husband nk belanja. Haishh thanks yang. Love u!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Monday 30.4.2018

Was supposed to blog this on monday and tuesday separately. But the time misses me so much. So much much mucho.. Muahahahaha.. :)

Monday - many ppl take leave due to labour day next day. It's a long stretch tapi since eldest ada sports day. Tak pegi lah mana2. Plus weolls pun baru balik from jb. Twice in the month of april. So its ok lah mcm tu. Bam won gold for the sukaneka games for standard 2. And another medal is silver. Not sure what sport. Maybe that is the one yg lompat tinggi tu. Btw, congratulationss machitom mummy. Zara as usual sekolah mcm biasa. Just no nasyid practise. Fetch zara pastu weolls meround. Dgn zayyan. Beli kerusi for kids main game. Pegi giant top up barang. Last2 beli lauk je. I tak sempt masak pun. Ingt nak masak sup ikan. Senja tu short plan betol kata nk tgk wayang.. Avengers. Katanya. Last2 queue nk beli panjang sgt. Kita pun balik. Husband decided to buy online tgk kt klcc. So setel lah. Mlm tu jgk online and setel. Late dinner is nasi goreng kampung. Hot milo and roti.