Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 7, 2018

Avengers 2018

Yeahh!! Movie time. Dah lama rasanya tak tgk movie. And this is the first time for zayyan. Every weapon i can think of semua dah bwk. And course nyek is available when he request for it. Bangun pagi tu pastu mcm lipas kudung mandi myself, kids, siap and breakfast. Coz the movie starts at 11. And it is at klcc. At least 45 min from klang. Mmg la public hols coz labor day tapi taknak la nnt jam teruk affect our mood kan. Sampai ard 11 ngam2. Coz husband bought online so our popcorn pun jadi cepat. Bagus la. Lps ni takyah nak beratur panjang2. Pastu husband ckp movie sebenarnya at 11.15 saje ckp 11 so kita akan cpt2 siap tak delay masa. Really enjoyed the movie. Mmg geram betol dgn thanos ni. Smp semua org mati. Haisshh.. Tbc nnt ye. Tgk the next sequel. Hahaha.. Lepas tu kita lunch kat Dome. Cheaper lah. Than limoncello. I had my fav ~ lasagne. Earl grey tea for drink..Pastu shop dkt uniqlo. Pleated skirt that i wanted to see not that nice lah. So perhaps i can grab the cheaper version. Plus myself i prefer ankle length. Pants i bought one. My husband nk belanja. Haishh thanks yang. Love u!

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