Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 30, 2019

Last day of september 2019

30th september 2019. No more this date. Lst day of 3rd quarter this year also. Meaning year 2019 is coming to an end. Alhamdulillah for all the treats been receiving from him. To be living and breathing til now eventhough yes ada demam selsema batuk etcetera. Just to become a better muslim. I believe. Inshaallah. Kids are growing day by day. Dah pandai bnyk benda. Zafran can recite sifir 1 - 5 and need more practise to overcome the senggut senggut. Zara can start to read bm more fluent. And english as well. Zayyan on the other hand dah pandai joget2. So cute and lovely. Love u alls. Daddy pulak dah starting to be busy. Class, meetings, politics, books, and more. Sometimes rasa mcm time dgn dia takde pulak kan. That day baked butter icing cake.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Too many cuti in september hence tak kira winner this month

Yes betol. So attendance to sekolah agama tak kira sbb banyak cuti. Demam, jerebu then the std 6 exam. So we decided tak kira lah attendance for zafran and zara. Hopefully bu october back to normal ye. Hehe... :)

Gosh!! Like i am damn busy

yesss its true smp nak blog asik terlupa then it becomes the next day smp la tomorrow is the last day of the month. Which is 30th september of the year. I mcm ada satu je post dlm bulan ni. Whereby i bnyk jugak go through mix of feelings lah. Like happy pressure stress blur sick sleepy tired and many more. Haha... mcm nak tell husband pun malas. Aarrhhghh biarlah. Sibuk je. Hehe..

Kids are recovering already include me and husband. Just zayyan je. Last 2 weeks he fell from the antique chair. The chair hit his mummy finger and brother dinger. Brother finger still looks a bit swollen tp dah kecik compare hari tu. still sapu minyak and urut2. Mmg la ada risau tp inshaallah boleh recover.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Here we are on a holiday at Hard Rock Hotel Penang

it was a very short unplanned holiday for us before husband actually starting to get real busy with his work schedule and study schedule. Well taking it for a better way of life. Good luck dear husband. Love u always. :)
We started our journey around 11 am. Stopped at rnr for lunch before we got in a heavy jam for nearly 2 hours. Adoii boring betol rasanya. Rupanya ada lorry and suv sekali. Smp kena divert pergo lane sebelah. At last we enter penang around 5++ direct to the hotel. Lucky the check in kejap je. Dpt room then kids as usual nak check out pool terus. Then swim lah until nearly 8 before kita dinner kat situ around 8.30 we had salad, aglio olio, and pizza for dinner. Alhamdulillah.
Next day for breakfast kita try the western food. Dinner kat delan hotel je sbb malas nak drive out. Since it is friday night, the parking at the hotel and cafe were full. Ada yg almost 1am baru nak check in hotel. As expected the next day breakfast kita makan dkt tmpt lain coz the main venue is full and this time we tried the goreng2. Ok food was good. After that kids nk swim last round. Before we pack our bags. Lps check out main kt teens room. Bam nk main game and fusball.  Baru gerak. Lunch pun dekat area sama before gerak balik klg. Lepas tu utk fulfill kan the winner for sekolah agama kita pegi butterfly park. Smp nak tutup dah park tu baru kitorang gerak balik klg. From penang around 5.30 so smp klg plus minus the stopping centre, smp around 12midnight. Hahaha. Such a great holiday. The next day cuti awal muharram. So boleh rest lah.. :)