Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gosh!! Like i am damn busy

yesss its true smp nak blog asik terlupa then it becomes the next day smp la tomorrow is the last day of the month. Which is 30th september of the year. I mcm ada satu je post dlm bulan ni. Whereby i bnyk jugak go through mix of feelings lah. Like happy pressure stress blur sick sleepy tired and many more. Haha... mcm nak tell husband pun malas. Aarrhhghh biarlah. Sibuk je. Hehe..

Kids are recovering already include me and husband. Just zayyan je. Last 2 weeks he fell from the antique chair. The chair hit his mummy finger and brother dinger. Brother finger still looks a bit swollen tp dah kecik compare hari tu. still sapu minyak and urut2. Mmg la ada risau tp inshaallah boleh recover.

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