Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 27, 2019

Off to Nilai for 8 nights

Last minute plan. No trips to langkawi as planned earlier. Coz daddy got to work till the week before christmas. So here we are at nilai for 8 nights. No luxury hotel. Just a homestay. That would do. Sbb as long proper place to sleep and got swimming pool. At first ingat ada rice cooker. So i can cook just beli lauk tapi in the wnd we makan lunch and dinner kat luar. All shops we go. Coz our homestay is above the shopping mall. Turun bawah ada supermarket, laundry, eating places, playground and of course clothing shops. Tapi kita more to eat and to supermarket instead of others. Kalo shopping baju, our place got so many more options. Rite. Talking about the swimming pool, the water was cold. And the place is windy. So i ended up celup kaki je lah dgn zayyan. Zafran zara and daddy hebat sbb swim terus. Kids suka lah. Memang routine lepas bfast mesti akan turun to pool. Sampai almost 12 naik mandi2 siap for lunch. Then lepak room je lah main game. We brought ps4 as well. So they can kill time. Hari tu wondering should we go or not. I ingat takyah lah ikit tp husband ckp ok je utk pegi. Within their budget. So ikut je lah. :) thanks hubby. Love u too!

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