Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap year this year

This year we got 29 days in february hence it is called leap year. Last day of the month. Well my saturday was well spent. Me time at spa for 1.30 hours, lunch at parents house, makan cendol and yong tau foo. Alhamdulillah.

This time spa i took the package inclusive of body massage, foot massage and body scrub. 1st time trying body scrub and amazingly i love my skin after i have done that treatment. So next time kita nak try buat facial. But ada few categories. Kena choose yg biasa punya dulu lah kan. (:

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Menangis sebab nak pergi kidzania

As usual, every year school will organize a trip to kidzania to this year it seems like takde due to the coronavirus spread. So maybe school tak nak lah organize pergi to tempat mall yg ramai2 visitors or tourist. Risau. So my dotter thought yg dia dah terlambat takleh nak pergi. Called the daddy at work nangis2 then she snap a photo of herself crying. Here i will share it with u. One day i will bring these 3 kids to kidzania ok love!! Muahhh.

New hairstyle for zayyan

Abg teased him kepala helmet and he being so protective marah and menjerit no no. Hahaha that is soo funny. Mmg kepala helmet pun. Tp still masham kan.


Hurmm yep . I do have that kind of feelings whereby tetiba lost mcm tu. something is missing. To pray i cannot yet. Belom hbs period. So berdoa je lah dlm hati and bersabar. Sometimes rasa nak speed up time and things. Kadang kadang mcm lost tak tau nak buat apa. Mcm2 feelings. Tp kalo ikutkan hati binasa. Hahaha. Doa yang baik baik je lah k. :(

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy valentines day!

Ahakss.. sometimes thought of why not go to celebrate vday again like those old days tp sbb dah tua. Hahaha mcm funny pun ada. Hari tu kemas kemas found this old valentines day card given by my husband. I snap a photo and send him back the pic. He buat2 muka. Mcm x suka. Come on lahhh. Hahahaha.. tu u yg bagi kat i kan. Nak buang ke tak? Nak buang ke tak? The qs been running thru my mind. Hahaha. Kita simpan je lah.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Happy love month

Ahakss. February it is here. Sooo damn fast its already second month of the year. And today is going to be the end of the first week in february. Goshh! Mcm bnyak sgt lagi benda nak buat since last year is being postponed. Like spring clean our wardrobe, rak kasut, almari buku, what to do with the old school books, katil baby (to sell or simpan) and many more. And to share this also the feelings i had after staying with in-laws for almost 10 years. Guess mmg kena betol2 cari tempat sendiri lah. Beli or rent? Hurmm... part tu mmg susah lah sket sbb husband single income earner. So i rs mcm susah sket in that part. :( tp kita kena try utk dptkan apa yg kita nak kan. Inshaallah. Starting of this year 2020 had seen our small family tak sihat since january and now daddy (taytay) pronounced by zayyan. Semoga semuanya sihat semula seperti sedia kala. Ameen ya rabb

Kids coping well in both school. Sekolah kebangsaan and sekolah agama. Cuma i nak kena lebihkan part mengaji iqra/quran tu. if not syian diorang.