Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 7, 2020

Happy love month

Ahakss. February it is here. Sooo damn fast its already second month of the year. And today is going to be the end of the first week in february. Goshh! Mcm bnyak sgt lagi benda nak buat since last year is being postponed. Like spring clean our wardrobe, rak kasut, almari buku, what to do with the old school books, katil baby (to sell or simpan) and many more. And to share this also the feelings i had after staying with in-laws for almost 10 years. Guess mmg kena betol2 cari tempat sendiri lah. Beli or rent? Hurmm... part tu mmg susah lah sket sbb husband single income earner. So i rs mcm susah sket in that part. :( tp kita kena try utk dptkan apa yg kita nak kan. Inshaallah. Starting of this year 2020 had seen our small family tak sihat since january and now daddy (taytay) pronounced by zayyan. Semoga semuanya sihat semula seperti sedia kala. Ameen ya rabb

Kids coping well in both school. Sekolah kebangsaan and sekolah agama. Cuma i nak kena lebihkan part mengaji iqra/quran tu. if not syian diorang.

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