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Thursday, April 30, 2020

A week in ramadhan

Alhamdulillah. Today is the 7th day fasting. It went well. Straight days for my eldest son and 5 days for my daughter. They are still trying and congratulations for trying to fast. :) up till yesterday, i have baked two types of cookies. The usual suspect. Kuih dahlia and choc chip cookies. To be bake somemore later maybe next week. To try baking more cookies of other flavours. Well, inshaallah boleh je. :)

MCO on the other hands is already at the phase 4. Case are slightly to reduce each and every day. Husband is going back to work next week. To tell the truth, i do feel sad yah. Knowing he is going to be working again. Not more spending time at home doing his work. Gonna miss him. Really had a bit of emotions going on over there.  :( tapi we have to face sbb tu mmg hakiki nya kan. :( to cherish more time when we have together. Love u as always.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Welcome Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah dah 3 hari fasting today. Eventhough PKP is to be continue, everyone is trying to enjoy the ramadhan being at home from buying the dishes online, cooking, and terawih at home with family. Myself a bit exceptional coz i cant join my husband and kids for terawih coz everyone in the house is involve. Nobody to look after zayyan. And i am worried he will play around the area in the house especially kitchen. So i buat terawih sendiri in the room with zayyan around in the room. I havent cook any dishes for buka puasa. Just desserts for husband. Agar agar gula merah as requested by husband. And dorayaki chocolate for the kids. Alahaii.. zafran and zara trying to fast again this year. So far zafran full. Zara ada tinggal 1 hari. Till the next time. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

puasa sunat today

alhamdulillah for a day puasa in bulan syaaban. just few more days before we enter ramadhan month. as mentioned earlier, there will be no bazaar ramadhan this as year as to avoid huge crowd at certain places. and maybe balik kampung also takde. but its ok. i balik shah alam je. huhuhu.. hopefully lepas lah kan sbb currently roads in klang are closed.

btw, ta;king of ramadhan. ada few things lagi nak kena kemas2 barang2 especially the toy boxes, tshirts zafran, books and few more. hope can be done gradually. inshaallah. ;)

3rd phase of MCO

it started yesterday 15 april until 28 april. additional 2 weeks of staying at home. some people started to feel stress living at home. life must go on. no school for kids but all the school teachers i am sure are pretty busy doing task and things for the children to being occupied. i have put up the list for them. so it is easier to keep track of what has been done and what has not being done. kesian them. as for the kids now , there are no upsr and pt3 for this year. cancelled. so not sure about any replacements exam but the ministry said they will identify another type of exam that can still grade the kids. well, just hoping the kids will get used to the home schooling for current being with all task to be done at home with mummy or daddy.

Monday, April 6, 2020

almost a week of 2nd phase of MCO

dah second phase now. almost 2 weeks. today's update looks like a bit happy news. and alhamdulillah. everyone if play their parts can break the chain. routine at home not much changes. busier than i thought coz kids 24/7 with u.where u have to tidy up house, room, cook, jemur kain, additional tuition and homework at home, and lots of playing games with kids. PS4, monopoly, UNO, congkak, mmm.. apa lagi.?? sampai ada yang nangis melalak lalak. smp yang merajuk. smp yg gelak gelak laughing out loud. LOL. hahahaha.. :) everything ti be kept inside this little memories of Noor Aziatulshima binti Jalil. kadang2 ada rasa merajuk dgn husband. merajuk dgn org lain and mcm2 lagi. haishh..mixture of evrything. so bertabahlah and bersabarlah. inshallah it will be over soon.