Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 6, 2020

almost a week of 2nd phase of MCO

dah second phase now. almost 2 weeks. today's update looks like a bit happy news. and alhamdulillah. everyone if play their parts can break the chain. routine at home not much changes. busier than i thought coz kids 24/7 with u.where u have to tidy up house, room, cook, jemur kain, additional tuition and homework at home, and lots of playing games with kids. PS4, monopoly, UNO, congkak, mmm.. apa lagi.?? sampai ada yang nangis melalak lalak. smp yang merajuk. smp yg gelak gelak laughing out loud. LOL. hahahaha.. :) everything ti be kept inside this little memories of Noor Aziatulshima binti Jalil. kadang2 ada rasa merajuk dgn husband. merajuk dgn org lain and mcm2 lagi. haishh..mixture of evrything. so bertabahlah and bersabarlah. inshallah it will be over soon.

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