Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Watching abg friendly match

He got games both saturday and sunday. Saturday all out smp leg injured. Sunday resting at home coz he cant step properly. Lucky school is still close until monday. Tapi anakku nak rest smp tuesday. Today wednesday baru gi school. Tp cikgu already ask him kenapa kaki dia. Sian la pulak. Nvm. Esok off day for both of them. Syg bam bucuk and ala tuttut. 

Selfieing with my eldest

 Its been a while too selfie dgn si busyuk twisties ni. Ada jee kerje dia. Bz memanjang.

Dah lama tak minum creme brulee

 Ye kita belanja hubby. At first ingat nk sket je. Last2 minum almost one cup tp the rest milky creme tu husband yg habiskan. Hehehe. Its been a while . Rasa last bulan puasa hari tu kot. Hehehe.. :)

Scones baking

 Been wanting to bake scones and finally last sunday it happened. Alhamdulillah it come out lovely and fluffy. Sampai terkenyang and muak makan. Hahahahaha.. 

Tokmak’s birthday

A week has gone already since our simple majlis for tokmak at her house. Kelam kabuts ordering the cake online for her. Alhamdulillah delivered safely to sis house and then to tokmaks house. Alhamdulillah. Tokmak is already 70 years old . Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Sihat tubuh badan. Aamminn.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Zayyan’s 3rd birthday

 HPpy birthday my bucuk boy. Its already 3 years. Feels like baru semalam je give birth. The only child that i have taken care by myself since he was small. Testing many new methods with him. My husband said lab rat. So takpelah. Yg mana elok kita boleh continue use. Yang mana tak, mummy try not to do it any more ok. Love u zayyan . Semoga panjang unur, murah rezeki, sihat tubuh badan and jadi anak yg soleh. Doakan mummy and daddy sihat selalu, enjoy your childhood kiddo. Love u!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Anniversary dinner at Subak Restaurant

Thankss for the treat daddy. I thought gi makan tempat biasa je. Tp lain pulak. Suruh bersiap dressed up. Makeup. And dotdotdot. Subak is really a great place. Surroundings dia mmg mahal. Atas bukit dkt area penchala. Food mmg nice, and i really love it there. Love u!!! And dia follow SOPs lah ye. 

August is here guyss

 Hahaha.. not because i hate other months. I like them all. But is is a bit special. As i will tell here shortly.

8.8 our 11th anniversary together. Alhamdulillah. Last time and banyak time mcm rasa ehh dah 11 years. Mcm x percaya lah. Macam rasa u deserve someone else better than me kan yang :( btw live u since dulu and now. 

9.8  is my mucut 3rd birthday. Si comel bijak bnyk cakap ni. Ada je rasa geram nak cubit. Tp kdg2 tu cubit jugak. Pakk manja2 pun ada. Alhamdullilah. Love u si kecik. :) muahh.