Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 10, 2020

August is here guyss

 Hahaha.. not because i hate other months. I like them all. But is is a bit special. As i will tell here shortly.

8.8 our 11th anniversary together. Alhamdulillah. Last time and banyak time mcm rasa ehh dah 11 years. Mcm x percaya lah. Macam rasa u deserve someone else better than me kan yang :( btw live u since dulu and now. 

9.8  is my mucut 3rd birthday. Si comel bijak bnyk cakap ni. Ada je rasa geram nak cubit. Tp kdg2 tu cubit jugak. Pakk manja2 pun ada. Alhamdullilah. Love u si kecik. :) muahh. 

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