Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Trick or treat

 Kids going to cousin’s bday party at house next door. Theme: halloween. So here they are with the costumes and makeup. Just for fun. :)

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Testing muffin baking for zayyan

 Testing a new recipe for zayyan. He calls it cake muffin. Simple je ingredients dia. No need butter or egg. Guna vege oil and yogurt. Dpt 9 biji which is ok lah tu kan. Finish already by that night. Here’s the photo of it.

Grab food or food panda

 It feels like mcm ada je benda nak craving tapi bila browse browse listing semua dalam food apps i cant seem to be wanting to buy anything. Mcm eh aku dah kenyang lah. Taknak makan apa2 dah. Maybe tu just craving mengada2. Food apps tu pun mcm shopping jugak. Tengok2 nak makan apa semua. Kann.. sabar je lah shim. 

2.5 weeks after pkpb

 After klang district was announced red zone and prescribed pkpb, few days later, selangor district was announced pkpb due to covid. Was like its not funny. Mcm movement is restricted. Home schooling for the kids started whereby homework and school project need to be done. Ada times i rasa mcm sangat boring and bosan. Eventhough i mmg suka duduk rumah tp kdg2 i am lost too. Hahahaha.. :)

Praying and hoping insyaallah my country will heal from this virus. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Before temco starts

For klang. 2 weeks temco. Bought 2 loafs of bread. Tp the funny thing is in shah alam. Area my house dah habis. The night before kita round round kat town tp dah mcm start pun. The town dah start senyap with less cars going out and about. Tp unlike before where mcm ghost town pun ada. Hehehe.. kita brg2 dah ada sementara 2 weeks ni. Husband boleh lah relax for a week. Next week nanti kita tgk camne nnt. Do u think covid will vanish in a short time? Tak sure kan. Kita jaga SOP and also kebersihan diri sendiri, family and tempat tinggal kan. Inshaallah.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I’m feeling few times dizzy

 Mcm x selesa betul dekat belakang tengkuk tu. husband so worried he took me to see doctor. Bp is normal 110/70. Pulse per minute is also ok. Doctor press my shoulder and it is a bit stiff. Terus doctor cakap stress. I was like stressed?? Or desserts?? Hahaha.. when to think about it apa yang i stress sangat tu. jom kita list down kat bawah ni.

1. Money $$$ - practically everybody nowadays. Sbb kita stuck dgn house buying process which acquire a lot of money whereby i takleh nak generate income pun. I dont have even rm100 monthly with me. Tu lagi stress. Do i have to come back to work ? I kesian husband i work sorang crack his head thinking how to generate more money. All those questions do popping out in my head.

2. Kids - doctor said maybe one of the fact. Yelah. Kids makin besar. Sometimes i agree ada benda yang kids buat i mcm bengang sket. Yes i know diorang bukan robot and sometimes i do have to control my anger. I love them tapi dalam love love tu kena ada strict sket lah kan.

3. Husband - he is getting old and sometimes i tau dia pun stress and penat. Tapi bila all that happens he mcm ignore me. Mcm i ni bukan wife dia. Tak cakap sangat. Diam je. Dgn kids nak marah. Tapi action speak louder than words. Hurm. When he does that rasa mcm ye lah i mi mcm useless wife. I dont do any good . Yup i feel that. :(

4. Orang sekeliling. From inlaws to own family members. Ada yang i rasa mcm ehh apa ni. Ko buat macam ni. The best way is diam and buat tak tau je lah. Malas nak ckp bnyk. Masing2 dah besar boleh berfikir. So fikir je lah.

5. The best solution and how i calm myself is watching movie, (thanx to netflix), read books, laydown, mengaji, mengemas and many more. Lebih elok kan.

Daddy belanja new telekung for daughter

 She’s been liking it very much sampai terkinja2 terlompat feeling that she’s a princess sbb telekung tu labuh and meleret like a veil that princesses wore. Kemain lagi anak dara ni. 


 Cases have been rising and rising in the first week of october ni. Kids we have already let them skip school for the past week and this week. Hoping and praying that it will goes down to single digits . And not forgetting practising a new norm. Risau pun ada. As at yesterday dah almost 700 cases. Wooshh! Its quite high ye. Berjaga2 everyone. Inshaallah. 

Ok. Why its been a while i dont post

 Maybe i am too busy i guess but literally yes i do want to blog when i got the time. Many activities and things have happened and past. So maybe i can recap what and what just for my reading in the future. :)

1. Malaysia day. That falls on 16 sep every year. Not really a holiday for us coz abang got a u10 tournament. He got bronze. Congrats. Eventhough kita semua sunburn tapi a good exposure for him. Nanti ada chance lagi kita main eh. 

2. Weekend short vacay by end of the month. At first the planning was just to go to PD tapi daddy wanted to surprised his kids by going to another place at Melaka. Its called Pengkalan Balak. It is a different place totally. We stayed at a very cute chalet. Tp do not give a very high expectation. Its just cute and ok for a night. My kids sleep on the duvet comforter on the woody floor. But the surroundings was nice. 

3. Back from Melaka straight to PD. This time to a place we’ve been to before. But before zayyan was born. He was still in my tummy at that time. Tapi so many stories gone viral about how in a room up to 15 ppl checked in. And u know what, i ‘ve experienced it whereby too many cars parked at the parking bay, ppl waiting for checkins abd how ppl bring unnecesaary things to the hotel just coz the hotel offer a cheaper rate eg: comforter, periuk nasi and many more. Our kids enjoyed themselves very much. Pool was not shared. So they got their own thing to do the thing they want. Of course lah suka. I will upload some pictures.

4. Husband’s birthday was on thursday. We had a small celebration at home lah sbb daddy kan abang. Karang ada org touching lak. Hehehehe.. bought a simple chocolate sponge cake and some croissant for him coz he likes it. Pastu belanja kids doughnuts each tp yg habiskan babam machitom. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Shayannggggg diaa! Muahh! Love u!