Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Whose one is the most beautiful?

 1. Zafran

2. Zara

3. Zayyan

Berangan setting rambut

 Tu lah lala tut tut. Pastu lalak kuat sbb tersepak toys cawan.

Zafran’s art homework ~ cny card

 Tapi ada cheating sket. Mummy draw. Tapi the rest dia siapkan. Boleh lah. :)

Washing the floor

 That’s what they like. Suka sangat main air. Supposed to be washing tapi habis basah semuanya. Hahaha.. 

cases of covid-19 has risen up to 5k++

the past 2 days, case naik tinggi sgt lah. smp dah 5k ++ risaunya alahai.. ;( the other day, when inlaws family talking bout the cases then cakap nasib baik kita takde sape2 kerja frontliner. i mcm ter eh eh.. my eldest sister kot. sometimes i ada terasa yg i ni setakat kawin je ngan anak diorang pastu benda pasal family i ke adik beradik i ke mcm tak kesah. tapi kalau family diorang smp ke dua tiga cousin pun semua nak ambik tau. hurmm.. biarlah diorang. buat semak je nak fikir. 

btw, just praying that the cases will be dropping down to 1 digits. sekarang still tengah pkp. extend pun dari 26 jan until 4 february. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

My little chef

When i do the cooking, most of the time i wear the black apron. So this small guy pun nak jugak. Kakak pun put for him daddy’s apron and look at how he is being happy. :D

Again tidying zayyan’s wardrobe

 Organizing and putting out the old clothes for zayyan. Mcm dah bnyk tak muat. Yg tinggal just the one yg bigger than him and ngam2 untuk dia. Hopefully it can last longer than before. Hehehehe...

Thaipusam holiday

 Online classes are off. To resume tomorrow. As normal, no celebration parade for those celebrating. Everyone to be at home.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Zayyan mco 2.0 hairstyle

 Enjoy the faces hehehehe

Yaay! 2 photobooks already arrived

Testing those photobooks and i really love it. Nnt nak cari lagi lah. Pictures to be printed. Tp i ada pending task lagi. Nak siapkan by end of this month.

The most tallest pile of unfold clothes

Soooooo unlike me. Hahaha. I’m not sure for how many days, i didnt fold the washed clothes and put them away in the cabinet. Mcm wow banyaknya. I think i spent like nearly 2 hours to complete the chores. Thanx to netflix. Can layan and teman me lipat kain. :)

Online classes for year 2021

Despite of covid19, classes must still go on. Now mostly online and digital platform. Hectic jugak for the first day yesterday. From morning til evening. Smp malam semalam pun ada task belum siap lagi. ;) hehehe semoga istikhomah ye anak2. I will try my best to help u guys. And u guys please bear with me. Kena marah kena jerit tp tu semua sbb i sayang u. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Short vacation b4 mco 2.0 starts

Early of 2021 , husband decided to join MIL and SIL for a trip to Cameron Highlands. 3 days 2 nights stay at a homestay. Kita jalan je lah. Donno where to take the kids to, so here we go. Jalan dekat2 je lah ye. Since no prius, kita guna keta nalon. Alltogether 3 cars. Journey went up the hill went smoothly. Alhamdulillah. Cuma hujan sikit lah kat atas. Cant really see the view. Berkabus and weather extra cold sket. I mmg dah achoomm banyak kali. Mcm omgg dah berhingus pulak kids yg suka sejuk pun mcm tak tahan sejuk. Hahahaha. Siap selimut dua lapis pun sejuk. Hehehehe....As usual, our trip include strawberry picking, tea plantation, SCONE eating, and flower parks. Tp penat skit lah balik trip ni. Sbb banyak jalan and menapak. Lucky and alhamdulillah kaki bagi kerjasama ye. Tq. :)