Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2021

cases of covid-19 has risen up to 5k++

the past 2 days, case naik tinggi sgt lah. smp dah 5k ++ risaunya alahai.. ;( the other day, when inlaws family talking bout the cases then cakap nasib baik kita takde sape2 kerja frontliner. i mcm ter eh eh.. my eldest sister kot. sometimes i ada terasa yg i ni setakat kawin je ngan anak diorang pastu benda pasal family i ke adik beradik i ke mcm tak kesah. tapi kalau family diorang smp ke dua tiga cousin pun semua nak ambik tau. hurmm.. biarlah diorang. buat semak je nak fikir. 

btw, just praying that the cases will be dropping down to 1 digits. sekarang still tengah pkp. extend pun dari 26 jan until 4 february. 

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