Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 27, 2021

Found this photo on fb memories


Found this old photo. Captured by uncle yed’s Red Photography. Zafran was like almost 1 years old. And dia putih mcm mat saleh lah. Hahahaha. Wasnt sure when uncle yed took this photo. Geram je tgk dia time ni. Daddy pulak working where i wasnt remember. Lovely photo. Thanks uncle yed. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ada ni. Buat homework on the sofa

Remembering when i was a child around same age as my daughter now. My dad used to scold me and say buat kerja sekolah bukan atas sofa. Bukan tertonggeng tonggeng atas lantai. Duduk and tulis atas meja. Well, as a kid mmg lah ignore je tu semua. Bila dah makin besar, memang tau kewajipan buat kerja dekat meja belajar. Kadang2 kids ni bila marah lagi lah dia tak nak buat pulak. So as my mom used to say, ada time tutup je lah mata tu kejap. As long homework jalan. And ada time tu atas katil pulak. Hehehe..

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Many sectors have been open for 2 doses completed in phase 1 states (including selangor). Tapi we are being reminded that the place still not safe. Those sectors opened are for economy purposes. So, still kena berjaga-jaga and jaga SOPs. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

New sleeping position

Hahahahah… wonder macam mana dia boleh sleep in that position? Lepas tu i letak lapik cushion so if dia landed terus atas cushion tu. hehehehebe…


 Trying to make rotis. Tapi outcome tak berapa comel. Kita try je lah ye. :(

Zayyan’s blue chair finally arrived

Alhamdulillah. Daddy purposely chose the same pattern tp colour zayyan chose himself. Blue as what he said. So here it goes. Takde dah dia berdiri when main game with kakak and abang. Semua dah boleh duduk. So cute. :))

More art homework. Zayyan pun join sekali. :)

 Yess when everybody is doing their homework. Dia pun nak join sekali. :) hehehe..

Monday, August 16, 2021

Rumah api by zafran and zara

Banyak mummy buat ke zafran yang buat ni? Well, mostly abang lah buat, tampal, colouring,. Cuma yg final tuch utk stick and tali tu mummy yg buat. Jadilahh kan . RBT project for bam. :)

Daddy belanja air sedap

Memang sedappp! Hot vanilla latte. Tapi yg tak tanan tuuuu… nama masa sekolah dulu. Kemain lagi ye aunty shim ni. Zedra is my name. Gonz datang sambung nama i to become Zedra Gonzalez. Hahahaha…

Omg!!! Dah panjang rambut abang ni

Sian dia. Rambut dah panjang. Nak suruh daddy trim dia tak nak pulak. Biarlah dulu. Dah rimas karang, kita kasi trim ye. Shayanggh babam!

Mak ngah belanja ayyan churros


Thank you makngah. Belanja ayyan and us churros. Kids suka sgt. Sorang merasa lah satu pieces. Ada 8 total. Yang cute is the packaging. Siap letak dlm truck. Comel. 

Pop it for each one

Got the toys for each one of them. Pilih shape yg berkenan. And mummy click next to buy. Kids got creative main the time challenge and the dice challenge. Hehehe… :)

New lepak place for daddy

He found a place at the backyard. So everytime nak smoke i will need to find him over there. Sometimes peeping him from inside, dpt tgk dia termenung while smoking. Wondering apa yang dia dok pk pk tu. love u hubby!! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Going through mid of August-2nd dose done.

Here i am sitting on the bed while waiting for the rest to perform solah. I already have reheat the fish curry i made for earlier. Just cant wait to eat dinner with kids and husband. And to continue watching movie on netflix. Alhamdulillah all of my family members already gotten the second vaccine. Parents as well. For me, the second dose quite a thing. I mean i was feverish the next day. And felt restless. Most of the time nak tido je. And my shoulder of course ada pain. And blueblack sket. The place where it got poke. 2 nights i took panadol (1 biji) je. And the third day alhamdulillah dah rasa much better. Tapi unfortunately nya ada satu malam tu i tersalah bantal masa tido. So i got stiff neck. And the stiffness still ada until now. But now dah boleh toleh sikit towards right side. Mcm bagi salam after solat. Husband said, at this age, jaga2 kalau salah bantal. Sebab effect dia lama. Coz we are not young anymore. 2-3 hari jugak ada rasa mcm ishh takut pulak nak tido. Every night kena test pillow mana yang sesuai and rasa selesa kat neck ni. :)

Sekarang ni mcm ada rasa rindu nya nak balik my parents house. Mcm dah lama sangat tak balik. Yepp.. those days dah mcm takleh dapat lagi dah. Sad but it’s true. :( tengah nak centering myself sekarang. Rasanya bukan i sorang je felt that way. Mostly semua feel the same way. To mama and abah, shima sayang mama and abah. Semoga dapat ketemu lagi. Inshaallah.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Happy 4th birthday youngest son

Alhamdulillah. He turned 4 years old on 9th august . A bit kabut coz it was first time doing birthday cake dexo for him. Luckily the cake i baked a day before. So it was just the buttercream deco on the cake. Challenges? Yes, the silky smooth texture ? Well, itu mcm ok. Colouring? Mmm itu pun ok. Kekemasan? Mmm yess that is the one. Tak kemas sgt. Tapi boleh lah. Haha for the first tiner. Bake cake boleh. Deco belum boleh lagi. Well another one to try this 2 weeks time. Then for husband’s birthday pulak. Hehe.

To zayyan: semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, menjadi anak yg soleh dan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Aminn. Mummy loves si busyuk ni. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy 12th anniversary to me and husband

Alhamdulillah. Marks another year in our calendar for our anniversary. We are 12th this year. Plus knowing each other before married is another 10 years, so total up to 22 years. Wow! such a long period of time. Alhamdulillah for everything. Despite of the covid cases that reach high numbers daily, i am so happy that i can still sleep, eat, watch tv, fight with kids ;), cook, baking and talking talking with mom, abah, family members, husband and kids. Love u all very much! this year no fancy fancy dinner thingy. Just a simple KFC lunch for all of us with a bottle of Pepsi and nasi (of course). That one pun i dah happy sangat. 

Growing old together with husband is something i should cherish everyday. Seeing him growing grey hair all over his hair, moustache, janggut sometimes buat i rasa sebak sad and happy. sebab this guy has took me from my parents and telah berusaha sedaya upaya to raise her happily and healthily. memang lah ada time macam nak marah, menyampah, geramm and macam2 lagi lah. tapi that what is called marriage kan. :) alhamdulillah again. blessed with smart cute handsome helpful manja kids, zafran, zara, zayyan, mummy will also always pray for your happiness, success, and healthiness in life here and after within. 

See, while typing ni pun mcm nak sebak dah. ;(

to husband, may we continue growing old together. sorry sometimes or many times i am annoying u. hahahahaha. love u so much! busyukkkk... ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Cupcake deco by zara

I baked the cupcakes using silicone cups and daughter decorate the top of the cupcake using the tools i bought earlier. Well, here it is. And semua cupcake tu telah dimakan ye. :) hahahaha..

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Cake decorating tools - already received

Dah sampai!!! And i already tried using it yesterday. But with cupcake version. Of course with the help of my daughter and my husband. Here it goes. Hehehe.

Welcome August

Among my favourite month in the year. Well, every month pun lah favourite. :)