Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy 12th anniversary to me and husband

Alhamdulillah. Marks another year in our calendar for our anniversary. We are 12th this year. Plus knowing each other before married is another 10 years, so total up to 22 years. Wow! such a long period of time. Alhamdulillah for everything. Despite of the covid cases that reach high numbers daily, i am so happy that i can still sleep, eat, watch tv, fight with kids ;), cook, baking and talking talking with mom, abah, family members, husband and kids. Love u all very much! this year no fancy fancy dinner thingy. Just a simple KFC lunch for all of us with a bottle of Pepsi and nasi (of course). That one pun i dah happy sangat. 

Growing old together with husband is something i should cherish everyday. Seeing him growing grey hair all over his hair, moustache, janggut sometimes buat i rasa sebak sad and happy. sebab this guy has took me from my parents and telah berusaha sedaya upaya to raise her happily and healthily. memang lah ada time macam nak marah, menyampah, geramm and macam2 lagi lah. tapi that what is called marriage kan. :) alhamdulillah again. blessed with smart cute handsome helpful manja kids, zafran, zara, zayyan, mummy will also always pray for your happiness, success, and healthiness in life here and after within. 

See, while typing ni pun mcm nak sebak dah. ;(

to husband, may we continue growing old together. sorry sometimes or many times i am annoying u. hahahahaha. love u so much! busyukkkk... ;)

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